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3x fewer calories without dieting

3x fewer calories without dieting

3 tricks to get fewer calories. And it takes almost no effort.

1. Don't lick your knife
After greasing a peanut butter sandwich, wipe your knife along the side of the jar and not with your tongue. This saves about eighty calories at a time, which is four kilos per year.

2. You are not a petty thief The broken crumbs in a bag of chips may be delicious, but they also add weight. If you leave them, you will reduce over seventy calories at a time, which is equivalent to one kilo per year.

3. Only eat from your own plate Does your child not finish his plate or is there still a little bit left in the pan? Stay away from leftovers! Two extra tablespoons provide about fifty calories. If you eat them every day, you can gain five kilos per year.