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Matt Sleeps:I have a new boyfriend and boy oh boy is he sleeping well!

We have had the Matt Sleeps mattress for a year now and are still very satisfied with it. Since we sleep on the Matt mattress, we get up more rested and there is no longer any sign of back pain. You can read more about this in our Matt review!

Two faiths on one pillow, the devil sleeps between them. Do you know that statement? It is one of the past, but that does not necessarily make it less true of course. However, nowadays there will not be much fighting about this and the only devils that you will find in your bed - from time to time - are probably your kids. Faith is also on our list of things-we-disagree-and-never-will-be, but it's not between us. Fortunately, because with a doubter there isn't that much room for something in between! That is why I am more than happy with the Matt Sleeps that we can try out. My new friend is one of 1.80 m! Sleep well.

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Matt Sleeps review out of sheer necessity

I'll tell you why Matt Sleeps is now a necessity with us. There are quite a few reasons, so I'll make a complete list for you.

1. Making up a fight is not good

It used to be said that you should never go to bed with an argument, but did you know that this is not true at all? Recently I read a research that indicated that you actually go to sleep better with an argument. The next morning - when things have calmed down a bit - you are much better able to have a good conversation together.

It sometimes happens to us too. Not often, but sometimes I can just turn myself in a grumpy mood and say nothing more. Unfortunately, it means that we slept in a 1.40 m. bed and that there is not much room left if I want to be 'on my own' for a while. #ontherandliggenisconsequence. A great reason to try a bigger mattress.

2. Birth of Lotte

Another thing. Normally you have your mattress protected when you are heavily pregnant in bed. Not me. Because I was 'only' 38 weeks pregnant with this lady and would have a planned caesarean section the next morning. Madam was in fact quite tall and was in a breech presentation. Unsuspectingly, I flopped into bed with my elephant belly that Sunday evening.

To discover with a *wooeeeesssccchhh* in the middle of the night that my waters were breaking. Fully. No more holding on. And then try clogging up your mattress to some extent. This wouldn't have been a problem with Matt Sleeps… the cover of this mattress can simply be removed for washing at 60° in the washing machine.

3. Back pain

Although my hubby rubs me - every year - for months on end that he is really the youngest of the two of us (so he is 9 months younger than me), he is the one who has been rolling out of bed with back problems for years. He needs a long hot shower in the morning and a bowl of cottage cheese to be able to move somewhat smoothly again.

4. Early transition

Believe it or not, but (despite my youthful appearance) I have been suffering from menopausal problems for years. Especially at night. Hot and cold alternate at set times. And as much as I love my sweetheart… I love finding a cold piece of mattress these days when the time comes again.

We must have scored a new mattress from Matt Sleeps. Now even a wider bed, and then relationship problems will at least no longer stand in the way of my night's sleep 😉 . Now do something about that hubby's snoring.

Matt Sleeps (and so do we)

We have slept for years on our refrigerated bed. And although not all of the above arguments are a reason for a Matt mattress, that a larger mattress had to be made, that was clear. To avoid marital quarrels.

So we have been skeptical for years. Because the fact that a new mattress is necessary does not mean that you have arranged it 1-2-3. Then it starts! How do you choose a new mattress? Push on the furniture boulevard to plop down on a sample for 3 minutes? It's a bit difficult to determine whether that mattress is something for you. And to enter into a discussion with your partner – although some do not let that stop them in a full home furnishings store. Of course you can also order online, but how do you try out your mattress?

Did you know that buying a mattress seems to be the second most frustrating purchase? After a used car (and no, I'm not making this up!) 

Matt's Beliefs

In addition, there are more reasons for me to delve deeper into Matt Sleeps and to conduct a Matt review. I firmly believe that there is quite a bit of flexibility in the entire 'mattress trade'. And I'm not alone in that, Matt is too. They want to shake up this business and as far as I'm concerned they are well on their way!

You have to take the time to test a mattress. Still, Matt wants to keep the prices of their mattresses as low as possible. So no expensive showrooms. At Matt Sleeps you can test your mattress yourself. One hundred and twenty days (or nights!) long. In the unlikely event that you do not like your mattress, Matt will be collected again. Your expelled Matt then gets a pep talk, and is donated to people for whom a new mattress (or a mattress at all) is not so obvious. Nice of Matt, isn't it?

Also nice:if you order before 13:00, Matt will be delivered the same day. And the best news (unless you've got a really strong guy):you don't have to lug yourself. Matt is delivered in a box. Let him recover from the journey, and your new mattress is ready for use!

The material of the Matt sleeps mattresses

The special thing about Matt Sleeps is that the mattresses consist of different layers. Three, to be exact. The inside of the mattress is made of latex, memory foam and cold foam. These materials ensure that your mattress retains its shape perfectly – even after about 10 years! That is how long you have a warranty on your Matt Sleeps mattress. On the top is a silky soft top layer of tencel, which regulates the temperature (great for when you are in the transition) and transports moisture.

The underside of the mattress is equipped with an anti-slip layer, so the mattress is not only useful when there is a fight, but also when something is made good!

Anyway, we were allowed to test the Matt mattress and I went for it. Below is our conclusion after the extensive Matt review.

Everybody (and every body) loves Matt, but why?

Matt Sleeps mattresses are universal. This is often said about mattresses, but when I read the reviews from customers online, Matt Sleeps might just be right. And now that Matt has also been installed in our bedroom, we are completely over! The mattress is slightly firmer than our previous one. And although I don't like (too) hard mattresses, hubby and I sleep like a baby on this copy of Matt Sleeps. From the first night. We actually didn't need time to get used to it, but if you do need it, then you have those 100 days.

Tip:Keep in mind with your fitted sheets that this mattress is approximately 25 cm. is fat. You have fitted sheets for box spring beds, which are ideal for the Matt mattress.

Carrying the mattress upstairs with my sweetheart was quite a job. A box of 1.80 high through our stairwell almost resulted in a breakup, but luckily that could be prevented because the mattress is ready in place so quickly. Unroll, let it relax for a while and Matt is ready!

We have chosen to simply lay the mattress on the floor. First of all, our previous bed is of course too narrow and in addition the mattress -because of the 1.80 m wide - otherwise comes into conflict with the door of the bedroom. Now that he's on the floor, he doesn't seem so colossal and I think it has something cozy too!

I can really only think of one drawback…. the children are very happy to lie between us these days.

Got excited and do you also want to buy a mattress? I can really recommend that you try it out.

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