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Phone Day (or Hour):Quality Time Instead of Screen Time

Are the quality time moments for your family also scarce? Sometimes you really have to go out of your way to get the whole family in one place. And when you've finally parked them around that table… do you really have quality time? All too often I have 'the mobile unit' around me in no time…  Recognize that? Are you secretly also quite busy with your smartphone and is a phone addiction lurking? Or is it starting to look like the kids have a gaming addiction? Then you can read in this blog how you can suppress that behaviour. For example, by including a telephone day off. And no, this is not just about tablet use by your children, but also about your own phone use.

French schools have already reached that point:they are completely free for telephones. We don't want to go that far yet. But there is something to be said for such a telephone ban at school. Does your child's smartphone use at school also get out of hand? Then there is another solution:the HOLD app. And do you want to do something about all that screen time at home? Then we have some tips for you. And is a phone-free day a cinch? Then try a week without a smartphone!

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Telephone day off for some more fun

On average, we spend a lot of time on our smartphone every day. Handy and fun to keep in touch with. But what about the contact with the people around us? Are you still chatting enough? Or is it mainly app that counts? In that case, it is time to intervene. Go for old-fashioned fun, just, without a telephone.

A small (unnecessary) warning beforehand:your children may not really welcome this alternative with open arms. A phone-free hour is already a challenge for them, let alone a phone-free day such as mobile-free Friday. That is why it might be useful to start with an hour. Do you want to limit your smartphone use at home a bit? Then take a look at the tips below. Do you have a golden tip of your own? Then we would of course like to hear from you! What kind of agreements do you have at home regarding screen time?

1. Provide sufficient distraction

A phone-free day won't work for your kids if you don't offer them an alternative. Don't expect them to obediently put their phones aside to do other things, no, actively take them with you. For example, go into the forest. Or visit grandpa and grandma without the phone. It may seem boring to your children, but a real conversation there is also appreciated by grandparents.

2. Telephone day off on holiday

Even our Royal family participates:a phone-free day on holiday. Did you also have one during the last holiday? Then you will notice that it is not easy. It sounds nice, such a phone-free day, but it is also a nice eye-opener. How often do you tend to pick up your phone! And often not even because you really need it, but just out of habit. For that alone, a day off by phone is recommended.

3. Phone free hour

Are the kids (or mom and dad) not really into it, such a phone-free day? Then you can of course just start with a phone free hour. Choose an hour when you are all together, and don't invite your smartphones. Enjoy a game, make a puzzle, or go to the playground. That was a long time ago.

4. Remind them of those moments of success

Have you all been very consciously together without the telephone and did you enjoy it? Then bring it up again at other times with the rest of the family. Remind them that it was so much fun without the phone.

5. Telephone free moments and 'reward'

Of course you can also choose standard moments that should be 'phone free'. Like, for example, while eating. It may take some getting used to, even for grown-ups. But before you know it, you're suddenly having fun conversations over dinner again. After that, also make sure to come up with some sort of reward if all this goes well. Have you created more phone-free moments, that is worth something extra. A nice ice cream maybe?

Shutterstock photo family at the table by Monkey Business Images