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The Santé editors eat a week without sugar:'Reality check'

The Santé editors eat a week without sugar: Reality check

The Santé editorial team is participating in the National Sugar Challenge:a week of food and drink without added sugars. How did it go?

They look back on the past week.

Pretty okay

Editor-in-chief Annalot (44):“It was useful to once again consider how much sugar you actually ingest. Often unnoticed. I'm especially happy to see that my sugar intake is quite okay at the moment. Of course it can always be better, but it's not that I eat much more sugar than I thought. I have noticed that eating sugar also makes you more hungry for sweets. Once I succumb to a cookie or a piece of chocolate, it's hard for me to keep up. So this week was an extra reality check for me:don't bring all that sweetness into your house!"

Eyes open

Editor Maike (27):“I found it quite confronting to see that almost all ready-to-use products contain sugar. Now I try to cook as much as possible without packets and bags. For example, I do not buy tomato sauce from a jar, I always make my soup myself and I do not use meal packages. However, there are also plenty of products with added sugars in the (refrigerator) cabinet, such as pesto from a jar, yogurt and stock cubes. Although the Sugar Challenge went well for me, I couldn't keep it up for weeks. I enjoy a biscuit with tea and a Desperados on the terrace too much. Skipping the sugars completely may not work, but it has opened my eyes. It could be a little less.”

Read also:Reducing sugar:7 questions and answers

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