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Lose Weight at Home, Without Equipment Thanks to Simple Exercises!

Lose Weight at Home, Without Equipment Thanks to Simple Exercises!

No offense to the machine vendors, the "weight of body" are the ideal formula for losing weight and building muscle without losing motivation.

I offer you a series of very simple exercises, to do at home and without equipment.

Guaranteed effect, safe and without spending anything.


It is essential to put your body in condition for the session to be effective and safe. Walk in place for two minutes raising your knees and arms higher and higher. Then stretch by lowering your chest against your outstretched legs.

Hold the position for 30 seconds.

Squats:concrete thighs and glutes

The squat is the number one exercise to improve your figure (thighs, glutes, abs and back) and your endurance.

Standing, feet parallel, slowly bend your legs so that your thighs are horizontal. Hold the low position for a second then come back up in a toned way.

Perform the movement twelve times, and repeat the exercise six times recovering thirty seconds each time.

From one series to another, vary the spacing of the feet: medium-spaced on the first two sets, wide-spaced on the middle two, and tight on the last two.

Push-ups:a beautiful chest and strong arms

Push-ups offer excellent results in the development of the upper body:pectorals, triceps, back muscles, without forgetting the abdominals.

Facing the ground, Supported on the tiptoes (or on the knees if your strength is not sufficient), arms outstretched and trunk straight, slowly bend your elbows until your chest touches the ground, then come back up.

Do the movement eight times recovering thirty seconds each time.

Complete six sets: two with arms parallel, two arms apart and two with thumbs together.

Recovery:do yourself good by recovering

To limit aches and take advantage of the dose of endorphin released in your body, repeat the stretching done at the end of the warm-up for two minutes. Straighten up slowly... It's over!

If you feel like it, a few minutes walk will relieve your muscles while continuing to burn fat. Has bodybuilding without equipment convinced you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Savings achieved

Compared to a gym membership, the savings are enormous:minimum €500 per year , but this figure can go up to 1500 €. And the physical benefits will be no less significant!