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Urine test shows if you can get pregnant

Urine test shows if you can get pregnant

A urine test can show whether you are pregnant, but the bacteria in women's urine can also show whether you can become pregnant.

Difference in the urine
Physicians at Erasmus MC have developed a urine test with which they can predict whether a woman can become pregnant after IVF treatment. Women who cannot become pregnant have a different composition of bacteria in their urine.

Tested too small scale
The test has been tested on 80 women so far. Gynecologists believe that the test needs more extensive testing before it can be used more widely, but the results are certainly interesting.

Benefits of the test
The test could save women who are unable to conceive onerous IVF treatments. In addition, the test could save healthcare costs.

Save healthcare costs
Every year 9,000 women start fertility treatment. The annual costs are 48 million euros. A small proportion of women would be excluded by means of the test, because they cannot get pregnant.

What do you think of such a test?