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4 exercises you can do in 5 minutes

A little exercise is better than none, especially when busy schedules get in the way, there are countless ways to get exercise. Even a little exercise can bring big benefits. Here are a few exercises that train key muscle groups and improve overall strength. These exercises can also help increase heart rate, improve balance and burn calories. Ideally, try performing each exercise for at least a minute, depending on your fitness level. Several sets of these exercises every day will speed up your progress.

Squats predominate as a multipurpose exercise. While primarily strengthening the thigh muscles, squats provide the added benefit of strengthening the glutes and lower back muscles, improving balance, and promoting mobility and independent living as we age. Add variations in one leg for variety and challenge.

At the office: seated leg lifts also work as squats. Sit upright in a chair and straighten the leg until it is parallel to the floor. Hold for a few seconds before lowering your legs and switching gears.

Shelf Although the plank is primarily touted for its core strengthening benefits, it also strengthens the lower back, glutes, shoulders and arms. Plus, the plank is good for posture and balance, especially when you're doing side versions as well. Add plank jacks and side planks for variety and challenge.

At the office: seated crunches target the abs. Sit on the edge of a chair and lean back so that the shoulder blades touch the top of the chair. Crunch up by raising both knees toward the chest while bringing the shoulders and head toward the knees.

Hip Bridge
Lie on the floor with the knees drawn up towards the ceiling. Squeeze the glutes and lift the hips to create a straight line between the shoulders and knees. This exercise primarily targets the glutes, but the hamstrings, lower back, and abs are all involved in this strengthening and stability exercise. Variations include holding onto the top of the exercise or lifting one leg off the floor for a single leg version.

At the office: While sitting, maintain good posture and contract the abs. Squeeze the glutes as tightly as you can and hold them for a count of ten before releasing and repeating.

Toe-calf extension Suitable for almost any location, contract the abs and stand on the balls of your feet to strengthen the calf muscles and improve balance. Hold for a count of 10 before lowering and repeating. Closing the eyes provides a balanced challenge.

You can perform this exercise anywhere.