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Are you for or against the use of antibiotics in children?

In the world in 2016, our lifestyle must change drastically, become better and above all healthier! We are being thrown all over the place. For example, what is or is not good for us, and then in such a way that it is almost impossible to follow which advice you can best follow. When it comes to our children, we tend to be a little more careful. Antibiotics, for example, are an example that causes dust to flare up for many. Are you for or against the use of antibiotics in children?

Table of contents

What is antibiotics?

Antibiotics are agents that work against a group of bacteria. Antibiotics come in different types and strengths, and antibiotics address that specific point that the human body itself takes a very long time to recover from, or is unable to recover at all. It tackles the source of the complaint, the cause. Antibiotics combat bacterial infections and ensure that you quickly recover and feel better.

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When do you use antibiotics in children?

If the body has sufficient resistance, it can recover itself and you do not need antibiotics. If this is not the case or if the symptoms last too long, antibiotics can be prescribed by a doctor to promote recovery. It is especially given to children when complaints occur or persist for a long time.

You will then be given a course of treatment to remove the bacteria from your body so that the symptoms decrease. Antibiotics are used, for example, in cystitis, pneumonia, laryngitis and other forms of inflammation. It can be just that little push to promote recovery in children. But…

Is antibiotics a miracle cure or pure rubbish?

Whether antibiotics are a miracle cure or pure rubbish, opinions are divided! Where the one says that it is a miracle drug that can be used without problems, the other says that it is pure rubbish that you administer in the body. On the one hand you solve the ailment, source and cause, but on the other it also breaks down healthy cells in your body and you can get side effects that can cause the necessary problems. And it also disrupts the intestinal flora.

Well… what do you do then? It is known that antibiotics can cause side effects. Usually during the course of treatment, after that it often disappears again. But what if the side effects are so severe that the course does not make you feel better, but makes you feel worse? In addition, it is known that you should always complete a course of antibiotics, because otherwise it cannot do its job properly.

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Research Maastricht

Research by Maastricht University shows that antibiotics in children stimulate growth in both their height and weight. This is especially true with the use of antibiotics in the first two years of a child and with penicillin-like antibiotics.

“Most antibiotics are prescribed to children in the Netherlands. 63 percent of the children studied received at least one course of antibiotics in the first ten years of life. This is often done incorrectly, according to researchers. “About seventy percent of the courses are prescribed for respiratory infections, while that is often actually unnecessary.”

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