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Herpes:what you need to know

Herpes:what you need to know

We can never repeat it enough:no, herpes is not dirty! It is a mild and often asymptomatic viral disease that affects the oral or genital mucous membranes. When it occurs, however, it can be painful and uncomfortable for some, and even cause injury. It is therefore essential to know how to recognize it in order to better protect yourself from it!

There is not one herpes, but herpes

There are two forms of herpes, both of which are viral diseases.

  • Oral (or labial) herpes

Also called a cold sore, it manifests as a pimple on the lip. It is caused by the virus called herpes simplex virus (HSV1). It is recognized by the presence of yellowish vesicles located on the outer edge of a lip, which can burn, scratch and/or ooze. One may also feel a sensation of warmth or tingling around the area. These skin manifestations, lesions caused by the virus, last between 7 and 15 days. It is estimated that 7 million French people suffer from it.

  • Genital herpes

Caused by the HSV2 virus, it is a sexually transmitted disease that affects both men and women. It is manifested by the presence of painful blisters in or around the genitals. It is then an inflammation of the urethra and / or the glans and the foreskin in men, and an inflammation of the vulva and / or vagina in women, which can reach the cervix and the meatus. urinary. These skin manifestations can be accompanied by itching, burning, or even fever for about a week. A few days after they appear, the blisters pierce and ooze, before giving way to scabs.

Both forms of herpes can also spread to the eye, this is called ocular herpes.

A diagnosis not always obvious

Genital herpes is a relatively unknown STD. Thus, it is sometimes difficult to establish the correct diagnosis. Indeed, in women in particular, vulvar burning and itching can for example suggest a vaginal mycosis. It is estimated that 20% of the sexually active population carries the genital herpes virus.

What causes herpes?

The herpes virus infects nerve cells in the affected area of ​​the body. For both forms, once a person is infected, the herpes disease does not disappear:it therefore remains in the body for life. It may reactivate at certain periods, which are called flare-ups.

These recurrences can be triggered by factors such as:

  • Stress and anxiety,
  • Tiredness,
  • Fever,
  • A drop in immune defences,
  • A disease or surgery,
  • The period of menstruation in women.

What treatments to treat herpes?

To treat simple herpes, systemic antiviral treatment (in tablets) will be prescribed for a period of 10 days in the event of a primary infection and 5 for a recurrence. There are also local antivirals, to be applied even before the appearance of visible signs (cold sores for example). Finally, to help heal a cold sore, some essential oils are also recommended for local application, such as tea tree or ravintsara. Be careful though, essential oils are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

How protect yourself and those around you?

Herpes is an extremely contagious disease, which is transmitted by direct contact with the lesions. As soon as the first symptoms appear, you can transmit it to someone. If you have any doubts about your symptoms, an online teleconsultation medical appointment can help you make a diagnosis, but also refer you to a specialist.

Genital herpes can also be detected in the event of symptoms, by your doctor, through an examination and observation of the lesions. In case of doubt, a sample of the liquid contained in the vesicles prescribed by your attending physician can be taken.

If you notice a push, the appearance of a cold sore, avoid any close contact with those around you (kissing, etc.). You can also wear a surgical mask to protect your loved ones. Also be careful not to scratch the lesions concerned, for example between your mouth and your eyes:the virus can indeed be transported to another area of ​​your body. In the case of genital herpes, avoid unprotected sex:the only way to protect yourself from STDs like genital herpes is to use condoms during sex.

Herpes:what is the risk if it is not treated?

Finally, in the event of pregnancy, genital herpes can in particular be transmitted to the fetus. It is therefore a pathology to be taken seriously.

Like all contagious diseases, herpes must be treated and taken care of as soon as possible in order to avoid contaminating those around you. For more information, there are screening, information and awareness sites and associations such as Herpes Info .

Source: Maladies/2544038-herpes-genital-cause-symptomes-depistage-photos-traitement-recidive/