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Clearing your head on retreat; learn how to break through your worrying

Do you sometimes go crazy with the mental chatter in your head? And would you like to experience how you can empty your head and what an empty head feels like? Read on to find out where your anxiety comes from and how you can solve it.

Wake up, work, take care of and then come to the conclusion in the evening that you have not lived. That happens to everyone. No problem, tomorrow you will do it differently, or the day after tomorrow. Well, next week is also good or else you just wait until New Years.

Do you recognize yourself in the above? I'll tell you the following now:if you wait that long, it won't happen again. If you keep pushing forward what is really necessary, then clearing your head will become the biggest challenge ever. But it doesn't have to be that way!

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Take a time-out and go on a retreat to clear your head

Our mind has intrigued me for decades. Why is my head always so busy and what can I do about it? I have cupboards full of books about the brain, meditation, mindfulness and happiness. Sometimes it seems that I have missed my calling, as a psychiatrist or psychologist. I have now found my own way, as a mindful entrepreneur who organizes retreats. No floaty events, but very sober and practical in nature so that you can also benefit from it at home and know how to become zen again. Actually the ideal way to clear your head and reset your mind.

My mindful life was preceded by a confusing road

As an eight-year-old girl, I tried to understand why my parents were arguing, why things went wrong between them. I developed an extraordinary sensitivity to sound; my antenna to anticipate their struggle. When the discussion between my parents became more heated, I wanted to disappear as quickly as possible. Waiting under the covers until it calmed down.

And when the storm had passed, I would crawl out of my hiding place and come out. Preferably with a big smile and a handful of cheerful comments so that it became cozy at home again. I also had the necessary hereditary material for a troubled mind. Enough ingredients for an obsessive interest in how the mind works. At a later age I also had to face some annoying challenges.

So I went looking for myself.

I managed to turn the confusing and difficult periods into a challenge:I really wanted to understand my worrying and constant thinking. Clear my head. The most important lesson after decades of practice, experimentation and study?

Your mind teaches you not to be happy, it allows you to survive

How does your mind work and how can you clear your head?

Do you want to learn how to be happy? Then you have to use the mind as a tool and take control yourself. Your brain has one goal:to ensure that you live as long as possible. And that's why your mind works overtime to eliminate everything that can harm you. That is why the focus is on everything negative (unfortunately!).

Your thoughts are moving at lightning speed, faster than you can realize

When you walk on the sidewalk and hit a car off the road, you jump to the side without thinking. Danger is:get out! Or, attack when your brain judges you to be stronger than the danger. And so your brain is constantly looking for danger, threat and especially a lot of negativity. Not only in the things you experience, but also in your thoughts about yourself.

Just think:what do you think of yourself? Chances are you start with all your shortcomings. The positive is usually not top of mind. Moreover, you learn to be self-critical at an early age:No reward for a poor report, only for a good list. No recognition for the nicest comment, but for the smartest.

A brain that is always self-critical will not make you happy

What can you do? It starts with a choice, everyone has one. You can't control your circumstances, but what you do with them. Is every millionaire happy and every poor woman unhappy? New. To make choices that are good for your happiness, you need a calm mind and so you have to clear your head and learn to relax. You learn that during a good retreat. To start with in a group with a teacher, someone who understands what you deal with on a daily basis. I know all about it because it has also helped me tremendously.

Clear your mind on retreat

To discover how you want to live and what you can do (and not do…). Shake yourself up in a comfortable environment. Discover yourself in a place where nothing reminds you of your old behavior. A moment away from everything that presents itself every day. That way you can break through the old worrying and clear your head. Then there is space to feel from peace what is good for you. I wish it all:live from your heart instead of your head.

Have you become curious? Be sure to read more on my website and view all the retreats I organize.

This article was written by Didie Schackman