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Histamine intolerance in your child:The right nutrition helps

Histamine intolerance is a condition that many children suffer from. Itchy skin, stinging eyes, a swollen tongue. Some of the many symptoms that can be due to a histamine intolerance. Nutrition and supplement experts David van Gaalen and Ray Sabee explain what this intolerance means. In addition, you can read below how you can relieve a histamine intolerance in your child.

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What is a histamine intolerance?

Histamine is a substance in the human body that is produced for the breakdown of proteins. Histamine also serves as a substance (read:neurotransmitter) that regulates various body processes. You can think of regulating and stimulating your body temperature. But also your immune system and breathing.

Normally, this body's own substance does not cause any problems. But when too much is present in the body, health problems can arise. For example, because the histamine is not broken down quickly enough and a certain threshold value is exceeded. We then speak of a histamine intolerance.

First we will discuss the way in which a histamine intolerance can manifest itself in your child. Then you can read the usefulness of histamine-lowering food below.

How does a histamine intolerance manifest in your child, what symptoms do you see?

An intolerance to histamine can manifest itself in your child in different ways. Not all common histamine signs and symptoms are the same for every child. However, this intolerance can often be linked to the following health complaints and symptoms:

  • Stinging, watery eyes that itch
  • Skin rash (hives) and/or itchy skin
  • Intestinal complaints such as cramps, diarrhea and flatulence
  • Trouble breathing (stuffy nose and cough)
  • Migraine, headache and low energy

The histamine complaints often manifest themselves directly in your child when the threshold value is exceeded. For example, when he or she ingests foods with a lot of histamine. Sometimes it takes longer for the symptoms to manifest. It can take up to 24 hours after your child has been in contact with a 'trigger'.

Do you suspect that your child suffers from a histamine intolerance? Then it is smart to contact a medical specialist such as your general practitioner. He or she can draw up an action plan. Or possibly refer your child to an allergist.

Nutritions against histamines that benefit your child

Does your child suffer from a histamine intolerance? Fortunately, there are several ways to make this intolerance bearable. First, of course, it is necessary to avoid certain triggers. Such as histamine-rich foods. In addition, there are certain supplements that can lower histamine. Unfortunately, these are often not suitable for young children.

There are also natural foods that lower histamines. They can actually be seen as natural histamine inhibitors. Below you will find some of these anti-histamine foods.

Natural histamine inhibitors

Onion: Onions have an anti-inflammatory effect and are packed with antioxidants. This makes them very suitable for children who suffer from a histamine intolerance. A healthy amount of onion can support the body in reducing histamine. Note:Do not give your child too many onions, because this can be counterproductive and cause intestinal complaints.

Legumes: Like onions, legumes are packed with healthy nutrients like antioxidants. In addition, you will find many vitamins and minerals in legumes that have a beneficial effect on a histamine intolerance. You can think of zinc and calcium. Legumes can therefore be classified as effective, natural antihistamine foods.

Nettles: Nettles are also very effective in counteracting too much histamine in your child's body. For example, you can give nettle tea to your child. This way he or she can experience the beneficial effect of this plant. Note:Some people are allergic to nettle. Are you giving your baby nettle tea for the first time? Then keep a close eye on whether there are any allergic reactions.

Fresh fruit: Most fruits contain little to no histamine, but a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Like, for example, vitamin C, a real powerhouse when it comes to lowering histamines. Always choose fresh fruit and not canned fruit snacks. Canned fruit can contain a lot of histamine. Avoid strawberries, pineapple, cantaloupe and kiwi; this can also contain a lot of histamine.

When to take your child to the doctor?

The complaints that arise from a histamine intolerance can vary from mild to severe. Are you considering radically changing your child's diet? To lower the amount of histamine? Then it is good to approach a nutritionist such as a dietician.

In some cases it is necessary to take your child to the doctor immediately. For example, when he or she experiences a lot of hindrance from the histamine-related complaints. A doctor can take action quickly and prescribe antihistamine medication, for example.