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This is how you keep your head cool during the heat

This is how you keep your head cool during the heat

There is a good chance that you will not spontaneously see a private swimming pool in the backyard with this heat and that you will have to work. Because the heat will continue for a while, you better make yourself as pleasant as possible.

Whether you are (have become) a home worker or have to go to the office a few times a week, the heat almost all paralyzes us at some point. Even if you're a real summer fanatic, a real heat wave is a little too much of a good thing. Make sure you keep yourself as fit and healthy as possible.

Also read:'This is how you celebrate the summer in your own backyard'

Coppy, head

Of course you put a carafe with water and a glass ready for yourself at the start of your (working) day. This keeps your body hydrated, you get a headache less quickly and you avoid feeling too busy to leave the laptop for a while to fill up with a new drink. No more excuses After all, your most important lifeline is within reach. But also keeping your cool – you know, where all that thinking and those schedules and the spreadsheets and your Zoom meeting with your team comes together – is very important. If you notice that you are getting a very hot head, there is something specifically to do about it. For example, there is a real cooling scarf. You can tie it around your neck as well as around your forehead (hello, bandana trendsetter!). And don't forget that old trusty plant sprayer. Turn the atomizer briefly so that it is on the 'just nice' position. Tip:set an alarm clock for yourself to walk for 5 minutes every hour and then immediately give yourself a splash of water.

Shower lukewarm

You may have heard this before, it is and remains a great tip. On sweltering hot days, the temptation is great to turn your shower tap to the cold position and rinse the sun, stress and sweat from you ice cold. Or to plunge your bare feet into a bath/bucket/tub containing ice-cold water. Ironically enough, you are giving your body the signal that it has to warm up like weeds! After all, you have exposed your body to extreme cold. So before you break out extra sweat:opt for lukewarm water.

Work, work, work

Back to that workplace for a moment. You can of course try to use a tropical schedule – possibly in consultation with your employer and colleagues – but you can also try optimizing your own corner. Whether that is (temporarily) at home, or at the office. Take a critical look at your window coverings:is everything properly closed and folded? Invest in a really good fan. They are already less and less noisy and some models even purify the air around you. Get a thermometer that you check periodically to feeling to keep up with reality. And instead of going with the sun, make sure you spend a day against the sun (well, you get the idea). Always look for the coolest places. Even if that means moving that laptop and your make-up bag with you. Bonus tip:do you work in a place with roomy air conditioning? Don't forget to put on a sun hat and drink a few sips of water as soon as you leave the building. Otherwise, that heat from outside may come as a blow.

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