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How to lower your cholesterol level?

How to lower your cholesterol level?

Like nearly 30% of French people, your cholesterol level may be higher than average. What causes this cholesterol spike? Is it hereditary? Or the result of an unhealthy lifestyle? The good news is that this situation is not irreversible. Here are our tips for lowering your cholesterol levels.

What causes high cholesterol levels?

The causes leading to an increase in cholesterol are numerous and of very different origins:

  • The hereditary character :Cholesterol levels are not necessarily transmitted from generation to generation. That said, we often find this problem within the same family.
  • Side effects of certain medications :taking certain medications such as cortisone, for example, can cause an increase in cholesterol levels.
  • Some diseases: they can cause hypercholesterolemia. This is the case with kidney, thyroid or diabetic diseases.
  • Bad eating habits :if for years you eat too much fat, your cholesterol level is likely to skyrocket.
  • Lack of physical activity :practicing a sport helps regulate cholesterol levels and balances good and bad cholesterol.

Good and bad cholesterol:what's the difference?

We often talk about good and bad cholesterol. What makes them different? Cholesterol is a fat provided by food and created by the liver. This fat travels through our body through the blood. What is called the good cholesterol recovers the excess cholesterol, takes it to the liver which modifies it and eliminates it. Bad cholesterol transports cholesterol from the liver to the cells. If the level is up, plaques form and clog the arteries.

How to lower your cholesterol?

There are several ways to lower your cholesterol. Of course, a medical opinion is essential beforehand.

A suitable diet :to reduce the level of cholesterol present in your blood, the first thing to do is to review your diet. It will therefore be necessary to avoid fatty foods (red meats, dairy products, cold meats, eggs, fried foods, donuts, etc.). Choose fish, fruits and vegetables. On the cooking side, sunflower, olive and rapeseed oils are to be preferred to butter, for example.

Quitting smoking and alcohol :Smoking tends to reduce the level of good cholesterol and increase the deposition of bad cholesterol. For its part, alcohol brings fast sugars, in the same way as sweets or sodas. It is therefore best to avoid their consumption.

Taking medication :following a consultation with your doctor, the latter will suggest several possible complementary treatments with a healthy diet. Medication is only resorted to if diet alone is not enough.

The practice of a sporting activity :regular physical activity (walking, swimming, yoga, cycling, etc.) keeps you in shape and helps to reduce the level of cholesterol present in the blood. Weight loss can bring you back to a completely normal level.

Too much cholesterol? What are the consequences for the body?

Excess cholesterol in the bloodstream increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, stroke, aneurysm, or arterial disease of the lower limbs. Indeed, if the arteries become clogged, the organs are no longer irrigated properly and this leads to complications.

Have a cholesterol level to watch? To avoid going through drug treatment, you have the possibility of reducing your cholesterol level yourself by adopting good habits and finding a healthier lifestyle. The idea is not to take away all your little daily pleasures, but rather to limit the fat intake in your body as much as possible.