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How to Feed Your Baby Well?

How to Feed Your Baby Well?

Feeding your baby well is far from easy, especially if we are overwhelmed at home. Here are some ways to do things well, while saving time.

Since the arrival of the microwave oven in our homes, life in the kitchen has been turned upside down. Only, fast food on plastic plates, it costs an arm in the end and the taste is not always there...

Admittedly, we never have time, we run all the time , in the evening it is necessary to give the bath, to make the meal, to do the homework if necessary and to make a small hug (more than necessary).


Here is how I proceed with my 2 little bits of cabbage. I take some time at the weekend to prepare everything in advance . I buy my vegetables on the market or from farms that offer picking.

Then I prepare Baby's meals in advance, in his company, to help him discover shapes and colors. You can also involve him , if he is old enough to help you.


Mixed, grated, julienned, I add fish or meat to these vegetables and I freeze each prepared dish.

When the time comes, a turn in the magic microwave, a knob of butter and you're done. You will quickly discover that Baby will enjoy eating what he has prepared with you... or almost...

And you, how do you feed your baby? Have you found other solutions than ready-made dishes? Tell us in the comments.

Savings Achieved

Like me, you've noticed that the prepared meals for babies in the supermarkets are far from being super economical... 2 to 3 € per meal, that's more than 100 € each month! It's not given.

Now if you do like me, you can easily reduce your expenses by 40% , or even more, while improving the quality of food.

You buy baby vegetables at the same time as yours, so it also saves time. Isn't life beautiful?