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This is how you get through 2021 with peace of mind

This is how you get through 2021 with peace of mind

Feeling good in your own skin has never been so challenging. Due to the lockdown, we are glued to the television more often than we would like. But that doesn't mean it's a lost cause…. That's how you get through 2021 with peace of mind!

With these three tips, including appropriate health and dental insurance, you will get your body and mind back on track.

1. Healthy mind

Stress, uncertainty, fear about the future:the crisis is taking its toll on our mental well-being. So take good care of your brain by… moving! Scientists have shown that exercise improves your mood and reduces the risk of depression and Alzheimer's disease, among other things. It also appears that people who exercise more produce more brain cells. When you exercise, the oxygen content and activity in the brain increase.

You really don't have to plan a daily boot camp session to reap the benefits of exercise:with at least 30 minutes of moderately intensive exercise 5 days a week, you are already there. For example, take a brisk morning walk, take the bike, get started in the garden (or around the house) or treat yourself to a yoga session.

Take mental complaints seriously

Do you have mental complaints and would you like to talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist? Then ask your doctor for a referral. In certain cases, the costs are reimbursed from your health insurance. View your policy conditions or contact your health insurer so that you are not surprised by unexpected healthcare costs.

2. Slow food

Most of us would benefit from listening more to our bodies. But our body doesn't always know what it needs. If you haven't slept much or are exhausted for some other reason, you are more likely to reach for fast sugars and carbohydrates. It does give you an energy boost, but it doesn't help your body much.

The solution:make choices that are both tasty and nutritious. On the website of the Nutrition Center you will find all kinds of ideas for 'food changes':quick and easy snacks that are a lot healthier. This way you get fewer calories, without having to starve yourself.

3. Visit… at the dentist

Did you know that poor oral health affects your entire body? For example, it increases your risk of pneumonia, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and brain disorders, including dementia. Therefore, do not postpone your visit to the dentist:always go for periodic check-ups, even if you have no complaints. That way you can have cavities, inflamed gums or other teething problems treated in time (and avoid more expensive procedures later).

The dentist and dental hygienist are open during the lockdown and have taken all kinds of precautions so that you can safely take a seat in their chair. If you have dental insurance, the costs are usually fully or partially covered.

– This article is a partner contribution of Univé –