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How to succeed in your home coloring without going through the Hairdresser's Box?

How to succeed in your home coloring without going through the Hairdresser s Box?

Looking for an alternative to hair color done at the hairdresser?

And if you try a home color?

Coloring at the hairdresser is far from cheap...

So it's time to know how to make them yourself quietly at home.

Here are some tips for successfully coloring yourself every time. Watch:

How to succeed in your home coloring without going through the Hairdresser s Box?

1. What do I need for my coloring?

How to succeed in your home coloring without going through the Hairdresser s Box?

For any successful coloring, you must:

- Dress in an old t-shirt that you don't mind getting dirty.

- Provide an old towel who is no more afraid than your t-shirt to put it on your shoulders (and still try to protect your old t-shirt!).

- 1 hairbrush to detangle your hair before applying the product.

- 1 comb for easy parting and product application.

- 1 large flat brush (type the one used to paint the walls) to easily apply the coloring.

- 1 pair of gloves (usually supplied with the coloring bought in supermarkets) to avoid coloring the hands.

- Nivea cream or Vaseline to protect your forehead and ears from staining.

2. Applying coloring

How to succeed in your home coloring without going through the Hairdresser s Box?

1. Detangle your hair well using a brush. We start with the tips so as not to break them. Then, the roots to finish.

2. We put Nivea cream or Vaseline on the forehead and ears to protect our skin from coloring that stains a lot. Be careful not to touch the roots.

3. We make a parting right in the middle of the skull. In this way, we will continue coloring on one side, then on the other.

4. We dip the big brush in the coloring (a mixture made using the indications found in the packaging).

5. We color well the roots with the dye product.

6. Once the first stripe has been coated with coloring, another one is made a little further. Then, we start the same process again for the whole head.

7. Apply the rest of the color on the lengths and mix to homogenize everything.

3. We let the color act

How to succeed in your home coloring without going through the Hairdresser s Box?

The exposure time is indicated on the packaging. It varies, in general, between 30 and 45 min.

But meanwhile:

- Start by scrunching and smoothing your hair strands with your fingers, one by one to keep it looking natural. Thus, the pigments will penetrate more and the color of your hair will be brighter.

- During the last 5 minutes, perform a full head massage so that the product is well distributed throughout the hair.

- Let the product act in the open air, without smothering your hair with a towel. The action of the product must occur naturally.

4. We rinse out its color

How to succeed in your home coloring without going through the Hairdresser s Box?

Here too, several steps are essential to have a perfect coloring:

1. To facilitate the removal of the product, start by putting a little water on the hair. We lather as if we were doing a shampoo.

2. Repeat the previous step several times with a little water. We foam. Rinse, then shampoo and rinse again with clean water.

3. We then apply the care sold with the coloring and we respect the exposure time. Take the opportunity to untangle your hair with your fingers and thus distribute the treatment evenly.

4. Rinse everything with clear water.

5. How to maintain colored hair?

How to succeed in your home coloring without going through the Hairdresser s Box?

Colors dry out the hair. It is therefore recommended to feed them with care suitable for colored hair.

In the same way, we always use a shampoo for colored hair, because it is less aggressive and enriched with vitamin E, which will intensely nourish your hair.

To always have a nice color, it is recommended to redo your coloring every two months. Anyway, the hair will have had time to grow back and the demarcation will make your hair less sexy!

How much do we save?

Comparatively, if you go to the hairdresser, you will pay around €46 for coloring with care included.

In supermarkets, you only have to pay for the coloring, i.e. €10 for a coloring Garnier worthy of the name, i.e. €36 in savings with each coloring!

Your turn...

So ladies, are you ready to do your coloring yourself, without going to the hairdresser? Tell me your impressions in the comments.