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How warm is your house?

How warm is your house?

One prefers to set the heating to 22 degrees, while the other thinks 17 degrees is fine. What is comfortable is different for everyone, but this is the ideal temperature in the house…

One has the heating always very high, the other only heats when it is really cold outside. But what is the ideal temperature for at home? We looked it up for you!

A comfortable temperature in the house

18 to 21 degrees is seen as the average indoor temperature where you can live comfortably. Can't get your house to that temperature? We found out why it sometimes stays cold in the house.

Minimum temperature in the house

The World Health Organization recommends a temperature of at least 18 degrees. For healthy people, who wear clothes that suit the season, that's good. A temperature of at least 20 degrees is better for young people, the elderly and the sick. People with respiratory problems sometimes benefit from a slightly lower temperature.

The temperature also depends on the room

How warm a room feels depends, among other things, on how active you are (or have been) and what the room is intended for. A bedroom can be a bit cooler than the living room, that's your night's rest just for the better.

Pay attention to the moisture content in the house

An extra layer of clothing when it cools down works wonders. Pay attention to the humidity in the house. If the humidity becomes too high, it is wise to use the heating turn on. A house that is too humid can lead to mold and health problems.


You can of course also use the heating turn it down a degree and then such a lovely warm plaid lay over your legs. Like this † Or a electric blanket put it in your bed!

Image Getty Images

How warm is your house?

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