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5 tips against an autumn dip

5 tips against an autumn dip

The days are getting darker, but that doesn't have to apply to your mood. With these 5 tips you can prevent an autumn dip.

1. Look for the light Daylight keeps your biological clock in balance, it gives you energy and it is good for your mood. During the dark days, look for light as much as possible, especially if you work indoors a lot. You get enough daylight if you go outside for about thirty minutes every day between eleven and three o'clock in the afternoon, according to the Health Council. Make sure your hands and head are uncovered so that your body can absorb the daylight sufficiently. Can't get enough sun? Then light therapy can do a lot for your gloomy moods.

2. Do a winter workout Anyone who takes 150 minutes of moderate to active exercise per week, such as walking, cycling, gardening, dancing, reduces the risk of depression. Preferably go out into nature, because Canadian research shows that your concentration and working memory increase sixteen percent more compared to walking in the city.

5 tips against an autumn dip 5 tips against an autumn dip

3. Take care of yourself
The first signs of an autumn dip are fatigue, not being able to concentrate properly and suddenly being socially on the back burner. If you notice such changes in yourself, do not ignore them for too long. Staying on the couch seems the easiest option, but by consciously focusing on what you really need (such as exercise, healthy food and activities that make you happy) you are always one step ahead of your dip.

4. Take extra vitamin D
Our average diet only provides ten percent of the required amount of vitamin D, so the other 90 percent must be produced by your body through direct sunlight. Let that be difficult in the autumn, when the days become shorter and the daylight weaker. The main cause of a winter dip is a lack of serotonin, and without vitamin D you cannot make enough of this happiness substance. So choose good vitamin D supplements to boost your mood.

5. Avoid Serotonin Killers
To feel good, you therefore need a healthy production of the happy hormone serotonin in your body. You can give your body a helping hand by avoiding serotonin killers. The most important is stress, because the stress hormone cortisol and serotonin are enemies of each other. Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine are also no fun for your serotonin production. Also ensures that you get enough vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and the mineral magnesium. You can find these in, for example, dairy and grain products, fish, egg yolk, bananas, leafy vegetables, nuts and legumes.


Beurer TL30 – Daylight lamp