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Autumn dip reinforced by lack of vitamin D

Autumn dip reinforced by lack of vitamin D

Now that summer is behind us, the days are getting shorter and the colors outside are changing, an autumn dip is looming. It's autumn; a time when many people suffer from an autumn dip. This is easy to explain, because the amount of vitamin D in your body plays a role in this.

How does vitamin D work?

Daylight and sun ensure that vitamin D is produced. In autumn and winter, however, daylight is weak and the sun shines less often, so that your body hardly produces vitamin D. Some people have a higher vitamin D requirement, such as children up to 4 years, pregnant women, the elderly or people who are overweight. There are also people who, for example, do not absorb enough sunlight and daylight due to their work or clothing and therefore produce less vitamin D. Think of people who work a lot at night or indoors, people with a tinted or dark skin color or when the skin is largely covered. It is important for all these people to get extra vitamin D.

Vitamin D is essential for good health; for the maintenance of strong bones and teeth, provides good resistance and plays a role in maintaining strong muscles. Research has also shown that there is a link between vitamin D and an (autumn) dip. When your body does not come into contact with the sun's rays enough and therefore does not produce enough vitamin D, such as in autumn and winter, you can supplement vitamin D through your diet.

Cod liver oil

Vitamin D is found in eggs, margarine and oily fish (herring, sardines, mackerel and salmon), as well as Omega-3. However, you need to eat enough of these foods to get enough vitamin D and Omega-3. Oily fish is also not everyone's favorite. Fish oil with vitamin D offers a solution. In addition to the standard Omega-3 fatty acids, this also contains added vitamin D. And those Omega-3 fatty acids are also recommended for children, pregnant women and vegans. So two birds with one stone!

Vegetable vegan Omega-3 algae oil vitamin D3 capsules

Autumn dip reinforced by lack of vitamin D

If you eat vegetarian or vegan, you have to pay extra attention to get all the necessary nutrients. There are vegetable vegan Omega-3 algae oil vitamin D3 capsules especially for them. Vitamin D3 always came from animal sources, but nowadays it is also obtained from a certain plant (moss). This makes the entire capsule completely plant-based, and therefore suitable not only for vegetarians but also for vegans. With this vitamin D3 supplement we can look forward to autumn!

– This article is a collaboration with Arctic Blue –