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Key to Success:Develop Healthy Rituals

Key to Success:Develop Healthy Rituals

The difference between a ritual and a habit is that a ritual is always a moment for yourself. A healthy habit is simply a good thing to do and not necessarily something super fun.

Marije gives tips for developing healthy rituals
Developing rituals is really the key to success. The following rituals are not only very nice, but also very useful. Get started and develop:

A healthy breakfast ritual Wake up peacefully with a glass of (lemon) water or herbal tea. Preparing a delicious breakfast and taking the time to eat it. Maybe afterwards a cup of coffee or a walk with the dog. Your day is immediately good!

A healthy coffee break (or lunch)
I know from experience that taking time for lunch is simply not always feasible, because you have to deal with appointments or are on the road. But we all have some time in the day for a coffee or tea break. Make it a ritual:add a healthy snack, chat or just stare or walk in front of you. Treat yourself to something healthy and delicious such as a sugar-free nut cake, a fruit salad, or carrot cake.

Sports moment in the weekend
So smart and good to do; sports on the weekend! During the week it is often crowded, dark and cold, to go then is tough. Develop a weekend ritual. Take a lesson in the morning (with a friend), then coffee or walk to a lunch place. A moment for yourself and exercise. This way you have a little less stress during the week when you have to go. In addition, you always eat differently on the weekend and maybe drink a glass. This way you immediately regain your balance after a pleasant evening. Exercising within 24 hours after a party has the best effect - physically and mentally! Nice, isn't it?

Stress is the breeding ground for decay into unhealthy behavior. A healthy ritual is therefore extremely suitable for staying motivated. Think of a number of healthy rituals for yourself, at least two a day and make them your own. Remember well; a ritual is always nice and a moment for yourself.



Would you like to learn more about developing rituals? Order the Fitness Bible for Women book. Ordered now, delivered tomorrow!

Key to Success:Develop Healthy Rituals
This blog is a contribution of Marije de Vries (1981). She runs and works as a trainer and coach within the fitness industry and business. With a change program she developed, she helps thousands of men, women and employees make the transition to an ideal lifestyle every year. Every week she writes a blog for Santé.

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