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Healthy in the sun

Healthy in the sun

Summer is coming! Hopefully we can enjoy the sun again soon. But be careful of course…

Skin cancer
Lying in the sun is wonderful, but not without danger. According to the KWF, the number of skin cancer patients is rising rapidly from 40,000 to 70,000 new cases
per year. That is why a website has been created that shows how you can properly protect and check your Have you have a suspicious spot or spot? Through photos, videos and extensive information you will quickly find out on this site whether your skin is at risk or not.

Watch your skin
Actinic keratosis is the medical term for sun damage. It is a skin condition that is caused by UV radiation and can be recognized by
reddish, scaly patches. These may vary in size, shape and color. Usually the spots are smaller than 1 cm. It's good to have your skin here to check occasionally. Not only looking, but also feeling is very important. Sun damage feels rough, like a kind of sandpaper. The spots can go away on their own, but there is also a small chance that they will develop into skin cancer. So be on your guard and keep a close eye on your skin. Not only this new website, but also the app. Skin monitor for your smartphone can help you with this.