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10x healthier in a minute

10x healthier in a minute

Every little bit contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Do you have a minute to spare? You can do this to become healthier.

1. Pack your gym bag
This way you can exercise in the morning after getting up, or you have no excuse after work to plop down on the couch.
2. Clean your keyboard
Your keyboard is a breeding ground for bacteria, so it can't hurt to clean it thoroughly.
3. Take a short break
Get away from that computer screen. Have a cup of tea or socialize with a colleague.
4. Take three deep breaths
Feels good right?
5. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
A good habit to get used to.
6. Drink a glass of water
If you're not that thirsty, you can easily miss it, but drinking is important.
7. Find a healthy recipe
Instead of checking Facebook, you can also look for a healthy recipe for tonight.
8. Stretch yourself
A few deep knee bends, grab your hands behind your back. A short stretch can instantly reduce tension in your body.
9. Compliment yourself
You are doing well and someone needs to tell you. It's so easy to focus on your negatives, while focusing on your positives brings you so much more!
10. Fresh air
Go outside quickly or open the window. Fresh air does you good.

Do you have any tips?