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Tips against swine flu

In a worldwide epidemic like that of the Mexican flu, it is almost impossible not to come into contact with it at all, the chance of infection is about 1 in 3.

It takes about 2 to 3 days for the virus to spread through your throat and nose to the rest of your body. By following the tips below you will prevent the development of the bacteria as much as possible

1. Wash your hands regularly
By washing your hands often with soap and water , and then drying them with kitchen paper, you prevent as much as possible that the virus can come into contact with the throat and nose via your hands.

Despite washing your hands, bacteria still remain on your hands, so it is wise to touch your face as little as possible.

2. Eat extra vitamins
You can increase your resistance by taking extra vitamin C to take. This can be found in citrus fruits, for example, but are also available in pills at the drugstore.

When you switch to pills, make sure they also contain zinc, so that the vitamins are absorbed into your body faster.

3. Drink hot drinks By drinking hot drinks you flush the bacteria that have nested in your throat to your stomach. The virus cannot survive here so the bacteria disappear from your body that way.

Another way to remove bacteria from your throat is to gargle This can be done, for example, with mouthwash that is for sale at the drugstore.

4. Clean your nose Just like in your throat, there are also a lot of bacteria in your nose, so it is wise to clean your nose well. This is possible with a nasal spray :spray it in your nose and then blow into a paper handkerchief.