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A profession is not there to imprison you but to set you free.

A profession is not there to imprison you but to set you free.

Daniel Testard is a somewhat special baker.

He chose to work only 2 days a week.

Why ? To be able to better enjoy his other activities:the garden, singing, meditation...

He makes his bread with the rainwater he collects...

...and he uses old organic flours that you can't find on the market.

A profession is not there to imprison you but to set you free.

And since he trusts his customers, no one runs the bakery!

His customers pay for their bread directly by putting the money in a basket. Watch:

A profession is not there to imprison you but to set you free.

Thus, for 30 years, Daniel has built a life in accordance with his values.

His goal ? Building a harmonious life, without being a prisoner of your work and that's what he does in Quily in Morbihan.

His motto

A profession is not there to imprison you but to set you free.

“I have always resisted the idea that you either increase your turnover or you disappear.” he explains.

This baker of another kind has reinvented his work.

He chose to share his idea by writing his experience in a small orange-covered book. His method should be duplicated and shared, he says.

A profession is not there to imprison you but to set you free.

With his idea, it is possible to find shops and life in the villages. The inhabitants are happy, and the craftsmen lack for nothing!

At the base of this project, many desires:to have time for his family and for himself, to produce his own quality food, to have summer vacation to go away with his children. But also write, play music, meditate...

So he invented his own solution. This corresponds well to his original profession:being a baker.

A profession is not there to imprison you but to set you free.

He cooks 2 days a week. And he loves this moment of solitude during which he gives life to his pasta, shapes it and cooks it.

From this moment, 700 loaves are born and feed no less than 150 families. Certainly the best way to participate in the life of your village. Watch:

Its method

A profession is not there to imprison you but to set you free.

As he cannot sell his production at the same time as he manufactures it, he therefore chose not to take care of the sale.

Customers come directly to the bakery and help themselves, at any time, by paying directly at the cash desk. "The advantage of the system is that no one is a prisoner of the other, he adds, I can be there or not".

And since making bread takes as long as selling it, he therefore gains 2 days of freedom.

And it's been going on for 30 years!

A profession is not there to imprison you but to set you free.

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