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90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

Health is one of the most important things in life.

But taking care of your body can be expensive.

Why ? Because the prices of medical care are constantly increasing...

This is why more and more people are abandoning traditional medicines...

...and turn to grandmother's remedies, based on natural products .

In addition, most of these remedies are already in your kitchen or garden.

Here are 90 home remedies you already have at home. Watch:

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

Remedies you already have in your kitchen

Most of these remedies are already in your home and can really help your well-being. Watch:

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

1. Water

The effects of dehydration can be devastating. The most common symptoms are fatigue and headaches. However, a simple glass of water can often do wonders against these conditions. There are other disorders related to dehydration:accelerated heart rate, abnormally dark urine, muscle cramps and nausea. To avoid these disorders, take care to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

To discover: 10 Signs That Tell You Are Dehydrated.

2. Sparkling water

We all know the use of sparkling water to remove stains. But did you know that sparkling water can also relieve indigestion and dehydration? And because sparkling water contains no sugar or additives, it's a great alternative to traditional soft drinks.

3. Chocolate milk

For most people, chocolate milk is more of a treat than a natural remedy. But in truth, chocolate milk is an excellent drink for recovering well after physical exertion.

4. Honey

Whether it is to heal a wound or fight an infection, honey is one of the oldest and most used remedies in the world. An effective treatment with multiple uses, you can use honey to combat:diarrhea, indigestion, stomach ulcers and gastroenteritis.

To discover: The 10 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Honey.

5. Cider vinegar

Already used by Hippocrates more than 2,000 years ago, cider vinegar is also recognized by modern doctors. It is used to treat many conditions:muscle pain, lack of energy, warts and even to treat pets.

To discover: 11 Incredible Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar.

6. Lemon water

A slice of lemon in your glass of water can greatly contribute to your good health. Indeed, lemon water alkalizes your blood and your body, preventing them from becoming too acidic.

To discover: 11 Lemon Water Benefits You Didn't Know About.

7. Cinnamon

Studies indicate that 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon can lower your LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol). You can also use cinnamon to treat diabetes and osteoarthritis.

8. Ginger

Used as a natural remedy for centuries, ginger is an excellent natural alternative for treating several conditions. In particular, you can use ginger to treat motion sickness and heartburn.

To discover: The 10 Benefits Of Ginger You Absolutely Need To Know.

9. Garlic

Garlic cloves have been used for centuries to treat a large number of ailments:from the simple flu to bubonic plague! Among other things, use raw garlic to eliminate acne breakouts and lower your cholesterol levels.

To discover: The Health Benefits of Garlic, an Unsung Natural Remedy.

10. Hydrogen peroxide

Too little used, this product can really help you treat several types of conditions, such as treating your allergies and fighting gingivitis.

To discover: 20 Surprising Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide.

Natural remedies for weight loss

Instead of going on an unhealthy diet or undergoing a diet pill treatment, try these 100% natural home remedies instead. Watch:

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

11. Milk

Researchers have compared 2 eating habits:drinking a glass of skimmed milk before lunch or drinking a glass of fruit juice. They concluded that drinking milk before a meal reduces your hunger pangs and your daily caloric intake.

To discover: 7 Little-Known Uses of Milk at Home That Will Surprise You.

12. Almonds

Almonds are among the most beneficial nuts to your health. According to a study, people who have a high intake of almonds lose weight more easily. Almonds also reduce blood pressure.

13. Vinegar

Several studies indicate that vinegar increases your basic metabolism. Therefore, vinegar helps your body convert food into energy and burn more calories.

14. Chilli

Like vinegar, chilies increase your basal metabolism. In fact, most “spicy” foods have this beneficial property.

15. Evening primrose oil

This oil, extracted from evening primrose, contains an essential fatty acid which can improve your basal metabolism. But that's not all. Evening primrose oil can also lower your cholesterol levels, fight fatigue, and balance your hormone levels. If you are interested, you can find it here.

16. Eat raw foods

Did you know that cooking food reduces its nutrient content? This is why some people choose raw food — a raw food diet.

17. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many beneficial properties for your health. For example, take 1-2 scoops of coconut oil before each meal to aid in weight loss.

To discover: 50 Coconut Oil Uses You Should Know.

18. Sprockets

The pine nuts are delicious (I often use them to decorate my green salads). But these little nuts can also help curb your appetite. Why ? Because they have a high content of pinolenic acid.

19. Linseed

Like pine nuts, you can use flax seeds as an appetite suppressant. In addition, these seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fibers .

20. St. John's Wort

St. John's wort is a medicinal plant known for its slimming properties, as it suppresses the appetite. But beware: always consult your doctor before ingesting any herbal medicine!

100% natural beauty treatments

Take care of your body with these homemade and 100% natural beauty treatments. Watch:

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

21. Aloe vera

The most common use of aloe vera is to relieve sunburn. But you can also use it to heal wounds and skin inflammation. In addition, studies indicate that aloe vera is an effective treatment for constipation.

To discover: 40 Uses of Aloe Vera That Will Blow Your Mind!

22. Cocoa butter

Extracted from cocoa beans, this white, waxy substance is an excellent treatment for dry skin. Cocoa butter is available in 2 formats:stick or .

23. Lawyer

Did you know that avocado is often used as the main ingredient for beauty masks? Its high vitamin E content makes it an excellent treatment for the skin. To make your own avocado face mask, mash up the flesh and spread it on your face. Leave on for 20-30 minutes before removing.

To discover: The Ideal and Natural Remedy for Stretch Marks.

24. Toothpaste

The use of toothpaste is not limited to the teeth. Toothpaste is also effective in removing acne pimples. As soon as you feel a pimple appear, apply some toothpaste to the affected area.

If you feel a tingle, the toothpaste is working. However, avoid letting this treatment act overnight.

To discover: 15 Surprising Uses For Toothpaste You Didn't Know About!

25. Eggs

Egg-specific proteins are highly beneficial to the health of your hair. Just mix 1 whole egg with 1 or 2 oils with moisturizing properties (eg coconut oil or sesame oil). Apply this mixture to your hair and wrap it in a towel.

To discover: 10 Natural Masks To Repair Your Hair.

26. Wood ash

Do you have a wart? Take cold ashes from your fireplace and apply it to your wart to make it disappear.

To discover: 32 Surprising Uses of Wood Ash:Don't Miss #28!

27. Banana peel

If you have a wart, wrap it in a banana peel to make it go away. However, this treatment requires a little patience. Indeed, the treatment can last several weeks, even several months.

To discover: Plantar Wart:the Surprising but Effective Remedy.

28. Castor Oil

For best results, use castor oil on your skin and hair. Castor oil is also an excellent treatment for constipation and pain associated with menstruation.

To discover: A Grandmother's Trick against Wrinkles.

29. Mayonnaise

To restore shine and softness to your hair, use a mayonnaise mask. But be careful:only use homemade mayonnaise, made from eggs and oil.

To discover: 5 Natural Alternatives to Chemical Shampoos.

30. Rolled oats

Oatmeal isn't just a great breakfast. Indeed, they contain a fiber, beta-glucan , which is highly beneficial to the health of your skin. To take advantage of this, fill a washcloth with oatmeal. Wring the glove in your sink and sprinkle your face with this water for a surprising result.

To discover: Beautiful Skin Without Breaking The Bank With My Oatmeal Scrub.

Fruit-based remedies

Your fruit basket helps you snack between meals, but it also contains several natural remedies. Watch:

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

31. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a "super-fruit" that has many therapeutic uses, including as a treatment for aging. Take a good look at the label of products that contain pomegranate:if pomegranate is one of the first 3 ingredients, you can take full advantage of its health benefits.

To discover: Do you know the 3 medicinal virtues of Pomegranate?

32. Acai berries

The berries of this South American palm are known for their antioxidant properties. Fruit juices often contain acai berries because they stimulate free radicals and fight against several diseases.

To discover: The Acai Berry:the perfect and inexpensive Nutrition and Slimming Remedy.

33. Watermelon

Watermelon flesh has a high content of glutathione , a tripeptide with powerful antioxidant properties. Because it contains a lot of water, watermelon is also an excellent remedy for dehydration.

34. Grapefruit

Everyone knows that grapefruit is good for your health, thanks to its high vitamin C content. But grapefruit also contains flavonoids and many nutrients. On the other hand, grapefruit products that have added sugars are contraindicated.

35. Cherries

If you suffer from osteoarthritis or joint pain, cherries can help. To take advantage of the anti-inflammatory properties of cherries, it is recommended to drink sour cherry juice diluted in a little water, 3 times a day.

36. Orange

The benefits of orange are not limited to its high content of vitamin C . Indeed, you can rub orange peel on your dead or dried skin as a regenerating treatment.

To discover: 10 Brilliant Uses For Orange Peel.

37. Apple

As the saying goes, "every day an apple keeps its man". Among the benefits of the apple are the fight against diabetes and the lowering of cholesterol levels.

38. Berries

Raspberries and blueberries have a high content of antioxidants and nutrients:they can help you cure many diseases. For example, people who suffer from seasonal allergies can relieve their symptoms by eating berries daily.

39. Lemon

Everyone knows that lemon is a natural antiseptic that can be used to fight the flu and colds. But did you know that lemon can also improve your blood circulation, aid your digestion and fight against skin aging?

To discover: The 4 Benefits of Lemon on our Body.

40. Papaya

Papaya is high in several vitamins, including vitamins C and E . Therefore, papaya is a particularly effective remedy for colds.

Remedies that boost your immune system

During cold and flu season, use these foods to boost your immune system. Watch:

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

41. Elderberries

The antioxidant properties of elderberries are particularly powerful:this is why they were used to fight against an epidemic of influenza in Panama, in 1995. You can find elderberries in juice or in capsules. . They can help you lower your cholesterol, improve your vision and fight heart disease.

42. Mushrooms

Some species of mushrooms are high in antioxidants and seleniu which stimulate the immune system. The best variety, and the most available, are button mushrooms.

43. Cabbage

Cabbage is packed with antioxidants and glutathione , which improve the functioning of the immune system. Not sure which variety of cabbage to choose? It doesn't matter:white cabbage, red cabbage, and even Chinese cabbage are all high in antioxidants and selenium.

44. Wheat germ

Known for their high content of vitamin B , wheat germ also contains zinc and antioxidants that can help you fight infections. You do not appreciate the particular taste of wheat germs? So when you have a recipe that calls for flour, replace it with wheat germ.

45. Yogurt

Yogurt ferments can help you fight and protect you against several diseases. Choose yogurts with no added sugar and high in vitamin D .

To discover: The Incredibly Simple Homemade Yogurt Recipe.

46. Spinach

Spinach is good for everyone, not just Popeye. Spinach leaves contain folic acid , which stimulates cell production. They can also help you with their high fiber content. and vitamin C .

47. Broccoli

Broccoli isn't to everyone's taste, just like spinach. On the other hand, the benefits of broccoli on your immune system are widely recognized. Why ? Because it is full of vitamins A, C and D.

To discover: The Trick To Keep Celery And Broccoli Fresh For 4 Weeks.

48. Sweet Potato

Replace potatoes with sweet potatoes in your favorite dishes (mashed potatoes, roast potatoes, etc.) to take advantage of its beta-carotene content , highly beneficial to the immune system. In addition, sweet potatoes contain fewer carbohydrates than potatoes. They are also beneficial to the health of the eyes, thanks to their high content of vitamin A .

To discover: The 6 Incredible Benefits of Sweet Potato.

49. Salt water

Do you have a stuffy nose? So do a salt water wash to remove virus particles and give your immune system a little boost. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in hot water (the equivalent of 1 mustard glass). Then, use an enema bulb to quickly clear your nose.

To discover: How to Clear Your Nose Quickly and Naturally?

50. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a main ingredient in ointments for temporary airway congestion, such as Vaporub. Eucalyptus can decongest your sinuses and ease muscle pain. If you don't have eucalyptus, you can substitute menthol or camphor.

To discover: The Incredible Remedy To Calm A Cough In 5 Min.

Natural remedies based on spices

Spices can help you spice up your dishes, but they can also improve the health of your body. Watch:

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

51. Epsom Salt

Are you looking for a good natural remedy to do your foot baths? So look no further! Epsom salt (also known as magnesium sulfate ). Its use could not be simpler:soak your feet in a basin of hot water with a handful of Epsom salt. If you have a bathtub, you can also use Epsom salt in a hot water bath to treat sciatica.

To discover: 19 Secret Uses of Magnesium Sulfate.

52. Turmeric

Turmeric is part of the ginger family, and its uses in natural remedies are manifold. Indeed, turmeric fights against seasonal allergies, stimulates the appetite and treats gastric disorders.

To discover: The 3 Therapeutic Virtues of Turmeric.

53. Sea salt

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Add a pinch of sea salt to a glass of water:this remedy is known to help people fall asleep.

54. Horseradish

Everyone who has problems with nasal congestion knows that horseradish can quickly decongest the nose. But horseradish has other benefits. For example, in direct application, it can eliminate acne and melasma.

55. Pepper

Black pepper is one of the most used spices, but it also has benefits for your body. In particular, pepper stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid , which improves the functioning of your digestive system and reduces bloating.

To discover: How to Stop Bleeding from a Cut with Pepper.

56. Oregano

Did you know that a teaspoon of this spice contains as many antioxidants as 500 g of broccoli? To enjoy its benefits, just sprinkle your favorite foods with a little oregano:pizza, pasta, sandwiches, etc.

To discover: 11 Natural Alternatives To The Antibiotics Our Ancestors Used.

57. Dried red peppers

Like cayenne peppers and paprika, dried red peppers stimulate digestion and burn fat.

58. Rosemary

This small aromatic herb is known for its heart health benefits. Rosemary can also reduce disease-causing inflammation.

To discover: According to a Study:Smelling Rosemary Increases Memory by 75%.

59. Thyme

Like rosemary, thyme has a high antioxidant content. Several studies are underway to investigate the benefits of thyme on the respiratory system.

To discover: The Virtues of Thyme, a Plant that Should Come Out of the Kitchen.

60. Curry

Do you have heart problems? Perhaps the cure is already on your spice rack. Curry is made mostly of turmeric and therefore shares most of its benefits — including heart disease.

Natural tea-based remedies

Replace your coffee with one of these teas to take advantage of their natural benefits. Watch:

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

61. Green tea

If green tea is at the top of the list, it is thanks to its high content of antioxidants and polyphenols . Green tea is known to increase your basal metabolism and strengthen your immune system.

To discover: 16 Green Tea Benefits You Should Know.

62. Tea bags

Don't throw away your tea bag, because it can still serve you. Indeed, try putting a hot tea bag on your eye to treat and relieve conjunctivitis.

To discover: 20 Amazing Uses for Used Tea Bags.

63. White tea

This cousin of green tea can fight viruses and bacteria. If you don't have any at home, we recommend this 100% organic white tea.

64. Black tea

If you want to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, be sure to have black tea in your home. In addition, black tea contains fluoride , beneficial to the health of your teeth.

65. Oolong tea

By drinking Oolong tea, you burn calories, speed up your blood circulation and strengthen your bones. Besides, Oolong tea is also an effective remedy for stomach pain.

66. Chai tea

This tea also contains antioxidants and can aid your digestion. You can easily find chai tea in the supermarket. Know that it is also delicious in iced tea for the summer.

67. Vanilla tea

This tea is an excellent choice for people with diabetes. Indeed, vanilla tea is sweet and regulates blood sugar levels.

68. Red tea

Very popular in Africa, this tea (also called "rooibos") contains flavonoids which can fight against several diseases. Red tea can also help your nervous system and fight kidney stones. Moreover, it is known for its calming effect.

69. Chamomile

If you suffer from nervous disorders such as insomnia, panic attacks or muscle spasms, try drinking chamomile tea. Chamomile can also relieve pain associated with menstruation and ulcers.

To discover: A Good Herbal Tea to Sleep Better at Night.

70. Fruit kefir

Fruit kefir is a drink made from kefir and fruit (fresh or dried). This drink is considered probiotic and can fight many diseases. Mother Teresa was a big fan of fruit kefir.

Remedies for less common health problems

To relieve or treat your troublesome and unusual health problems, use these foods that are already in your kitchen. Watch:

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

71. Banana

Looking for a natural hangover remedy? Eat a banana. Much more effective than coffee, bananas have a high potassium content. And as alcohol consumption reduces the level of potassium in your body, you will have understood that this remedy is very effective. Banana can also relieve stomach pain and nausea.

To discover: The 10 Uses of Banana Peel You Didn't Know About.

72. Peanut butter

To avoid a hangover, eat peanut butter before drinking alcohol. It is a remedy that is used frequently in Africa.

To discover: Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe Finally Revealed.

73. Tomato juice

Another natural hangover remedy is tomato juice. That's why some people recommend a surprising remedy for bad aftermath:drinking a Bloody Mary. Indeed, this cocktail is based on tomato juice, which lowers the blood alcohol level. And of course, tomato juice is even more effective when NOT mixed with vodka.

To discover: 11 Miracle Hangover Remedies.

74. Squeezed lemon juice

If you have diarrhea so severe that it prevents you from leaving your house to go to the pharmacy, use squeezed lemons. Squeezed lemon juice kills all diarrhea-causing pathogens. For this to work, drink the juice of a squeezed lemon, 3 to 5 times a day.

To discover: 43 Lemon Uses That Will Blow Your Mind!

75. Milk powder

Did you know that powdered milk contains antibodies that fight against the intestinal bacteria E. coli , causing diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections, etc. ? It is for this reason that we find powdered milks especially for babies.

76. Ginkgo

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba ) is a natural remedy for people with heart problems and can also combat erectile dysfunction. This plant stimulates the blood circulation of the affected areas.

77. Ginseng

This root can also help people who suffer from heart problems and problems related to erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, avoid taking ginkgo and ginseng at the same time.

To discover: The 4 Ingredients to Boost your Libido.

78. Licorice

Women can use licorice to treat candidiasis. To use licorice in vaginal care, make an enema with 1 teaspoon of powdered licorice in 1/2 liter of boiling water.

79. Cranberry juice

To treat vaginal candidiasis, you can also drink cranberry juice. It is also an excellent remedy for urinary tract infections. Use only 100% natural cranberry juice with no added sugars.

To discover: Try Cranberry Remedy to Cure Urinary Infection.

80. Seven other foods against urinary tract infections

Discover 7 other foods that cure urinary tract infections by clicking here.

Natural and unusual remedies

Who would have thought that these foods are also effective home remedies? Watch:

90 Natural Remedies You Already Have In Your Kitchen.

81. Bacteria

Yes, you read that right:bacteria. The bacteria in your gut flora can act as a barrier against bad bacteria. There are a wide variety of probiotic bacteria that can be purchased without a prescription. If you are looking for some, we recommend these capsules for intestinal balance.

82. Oysters

Because we tend to talk about the problems associated with the consumption of fresh oysters, we often forget to talk about its benefits. However, the high zinc content oysters makes it an excellent protection against flu infections. Oysters can also speed wound healing and increase male fertility.

To discover: Health Benefits of Oysters:Why are Britons Fans?

83. Wine

Wine contains polyphenols , known for their antibacterial properties. These organic molecules can help you fight against several diseases of bacterial origin:flu, diarrhea, etc. On the contrary, consuming more than 1 glass of red wine or white wine per day can do you more harm than good!

To discover: The 8 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Red Wine.

84. Ice cubes

Did you know that putting a piece of fresh meat on your black eye can make the condition of the hematoma worse? Indeed, fresh meat contains several bacteria that can infect your eye. To relieve your cockade, use a simple ice pack instead.

85. Blackstrap molasses

This little-known remedy is packed with nutrients:iron , calcium and copper . Use blackstrap molasses to combat osteoarthritis and delay the graying of your hair.

86. Beer

Again, you read correctly. Several studies indicate that 1 or 2 glass(es) of beer a day decrease(s) the risk of stroke and heart disease. In addition, all beers have these benefits, regardless of type or brand.

To discover: 12 Benefits of Beer Nobody Knows.

87. Tequila

Did you know that several studies indicate that a shot of tequila can benefit your health? In fact, moderate consumption of tequila can lower your cholesterol levels, boost your basal metabolism and even lower your stress levels. As with all spirits, tequila should be consumed in moderation!

88. Piment de Cayenne

Pas besoin de vivre en Guyane pour profiter des bienfaits du piment de Cayenne. Mélangez un peu de poudre de piment de Cayenne dans de l'eau pour soulager vos maux de gorge. Répétez autant de fois que nécessaire.

89. Vodka

La vodka est un excellent remède naturel que vous pouvez utiliser à la maison — sans même avoir à en boire. Utilisez la vodka en application locale pour soulager vos maux de dents, les piqûres de méduse et même les otites.

To discover: 19 Utilisations de la Vodka Que Personne Ne Connaît.

90. Tabac

Saviez-vous qu'une cigarette peut soulager les piqûres d'abeille ? Il suffit de couper le bout d'une cigarette, de la mouiller et de l'appliquer directement sur la piqûre.

Voilà, vous connaissez maintenant les 90 remèdes naturels à base d'aliments que vous avez déjà chez vous :-)

Mais attention : bien entendu, ces remèdes naturels ne doivent pas être interprétés comme des conseils médicaux. De fait, consultez votre médecin avant de suivre un traitement naturel, quel que soit votre état de santé.