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If your healthy lifestyle comes between you

If your healthy lifestyle comes between you

You exercise daily and eat super healthy. He has made sitting on the couch his hobby and doesn't like your healthy lifestyle? Hassle guaranteed? Not necessary.

Have a beer too The fact that you have an impressive six-pack and that his is hidden deep under a layer of fat makes him a little grumpy. But if you also replace his cans of beer in the fridge with a load of slow juices, that goes beyond his good mood. But you know:beer isn't all that bad for your body after exercise. It is full of carbohydrates that you can use after a workout, it is a nice thirst quencher and the fact that alcohol (minimum) inhibits your muscle growth is not a disaster, unless you have bodybuilding ambitions.

Curious what else you can do when your healhty lifestye comes between you? Read the full article in our September issue. In store until September 20.