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3 Ways To Do Your Home Detox and Boost Your Immune System.

3 Ways To Do Your Home Detox and Boost Your Immune System.

To detox, food programs based on complete and seasonal products are the most effective.

They help the body to purify itself naturally.

Better not be tempted by quick detox fixes.

On the other hand, resorting to an adapted diet, healthy tools and teas that will help the body to purify itself in depth is recommended.

It is the best solution for our health.

And as we are assailed every day by toxins, it is better to do 4 detox cures a year.

Here are 3 simple and natural detox to strengthen and boost the immune system throughout the year:

3 Ways To Do Your Home Detox and Boost Your Immune System.

1. Hot water with lemon

Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice added when you get up and throughout the day can help your body eliminate toxins and maintain a healthy immune system.

For extra anti-viral action, add a pinch of cayenne pepper or cinnamon:consume daily!

To discover: 43 Lemon Uses That Will Blow Your Mind!

2. Brushing dry skin

Dry brushing will stimulate your lymphatic system:ultimately, it is the lymphatic system that allows the elimination of toxins, as if it were the organic sewage system!

Stimulating the lymphatic system with dry brushing helps it work better. The toxins that can cause diseases, contained in the lymphatic system, will be eliminated more easily.

On your dry skin, pass a horsehair or loofah glove. Rub your skin always in the same direction, that of the lymphatic system, going towards the heart.

Start with the soles of your feet and then work your way up your legs in circular motions.

Rub your chest and shoulders in sweeping strokes toward your heart. Then start by rubbing the fingertips and work your way up to the heart. Under the armpits, make small circular movements.

Finish with a hot shower with a natural soap, such as Marseille soap.

3. Drink tea

The tea boosts the immune system and helps cleanse the body during the winter season. Drinking herbal teas is a great way to help cleanse your body. Let your tea steep for 5-10 minutes and drink it hot or make an iced tea.

Here are some excellent teas and infusions to discover:

To fight against inflammation:infusion of nettle and chamomile
To fight against constipation:senna tea, flax tea, and aloe vera
To purify the blood:infusion of burdock or red clover.
To help the liver:dandelion or milk thistle infusion, pau d'arco tea.

The principle of detox is simple. Help your body with all these little tricks above and you will be surprised at the results you will get. All of these tips are safe, natural and effective.