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The ideal breakfast

The ideal breakfast

Dietitians, nutritionists and doctors have long agreed that a good breakfast is essential for our body to face the day well. Today, another story is being heard, so, ideally, what to eat?

Breakfast, important or not?

During the six to eight hours of sleep, the body is deprived of water and food. However, to function our body continues to burn calories. This is why, when waking up, having breakfast is, for some, an emergency, so much hunger assails them. For those there, this first meal of the day provides nearly 25% of the energy essential to the human body.

For a variety of reasons, many of us skip this meal. Result:difficulty concentrating, sudden slump in the morning, which can lead some to snacking, leading to not very happy weight gain.

In the end, all studies agree on one point, what matters is regularity because our body has trouble understanding changes in rhythm.

What to eat for breakfast?

If you get out of bed every morning with the urge to be satiated, avoid chowing down on anything for breakfast on the pretext of recharging your batteries. Know that some foods are simply not recommended, or even prohibited. It is therefore better to respect a few nutritional rules concerning the composition of your breakfast.

Thus, if we refer to the advice of the National Health Nutrition Program or PNNS, during an ideal breakfast, a person must consume a dairy product, a fruit, a cereal and liquid for hydration, namely, a coffee, hot chocolate or a cup of tea. But how to find it?

The ideal breakfast

The cereal product will provide you with carbohydrates. You are spoiled for choice between wholemeal bread, rusks and toast. To give them flavor, you can accompany them with a little jam, honey and butter. Pastries can also be eaten in the morning, but occasionally, because croissants and pain aux raisins are high in calories and bad fats.

For cereal fans, opt for muesli and oat flakes instead of chocolate-filled corn balls and other marketing products:all these cereal boxes contain far too many sugars and fats to be interesting in terms of nutritional intakes.

For dairy, either you pour your muesli into the milk, or you drink your glass of milk alone or with chocolate. Alternatively, you can just as well eat yoghurt or cottage cheese, or even cheese. As for fruit, although compotes and 100% natural fruit juices will do, nothing beats fresh fruit. However, if you want to boost your body, especially favor fruits rich in vitamin C such as kiwi, orange, strawberries. Nothing prevents you from preparing a small fruit salad.

Finally, animal protein intake can be added through eggs. On the dish, scrambled, or in an omelet, cook your eggs according to your tastes and desires. But be careful, if you eat all that, you're closer to brunch than breakfast...