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A Body and a Mind at the Top in 12 Minutes a day.

A Body and a Mind at the Top in 12 Minutes a day.

Summer is over. But rest assured:life goes on. And to start off on the right foot, I suggest you take care of yourself in just 12 minutes a day. Long live the comeback!

Doctors often remind us:"better to move a little every day than to be exhausted at Saint Amour ". Let's follow this common-sense adage and swear that from now on, we will devote ten to fifteen minutes daily to physical activity.

I immediately want to reassure those whose combination of these two words makes them nauseous:physical activity is not necessarily synonymous with injury, competition or fatigue. Intelligently conducted, as it will be with me, it becomes a real fulfillment for body and mind . Physical activity can, and even should, be a moment of pleasure. This is how we maintain our motivation over the long term.

Here we go!

Walk in Place:for a Gentle Action

To start, suggest that you walk in place . The knees must rise higher and higher and the swing of the arms must be more and more marked. Be careful, however, that the thighs do not exceed the horizontal.

Exercise duration:2 min.

Heels-Buttocks:and your Ischios Tone up 4'00

Without losing the rhythm acquired during the march on the spot, and keeping the same movement of the arms, bring the heels against the buttocks with each leg movement. This time, the thighs no longer go forward but remain vertical. Only the calves rise back.

Exercise duration:2 min.

Good morning:No more back pain

Let's resume the standing position and put the fingertips against the temples, elbows on the side. The legs must be very slightly bent and maintain this opening throughout the movement.

Tighten the abdominal strap and gently tilt the trunk forward making sure it is perfectly straight (check in a mirror by positioning yourself in profile) and that the head remains in its alignment. When it forms a 45° angle with the horizontal, let's go back up while exhaling gently.

This exercise will certainly satisfy those accustomed to back problems:it strengthens the lumbar and abdominal muscles while softening the back chain . I often recommend it to patients who systematically report to me the total disappearance of their pain.

If you can maintain perfect head-shoulders-back-pelvis alignment, try descending slightly lower, possibly all the way to horizontal.

Two sets of ten reps with 30 seconds recovery.

Exercise duration:2 min.

Squats:Consume while building muscle 8'00

Stand, arms stretched out in front of you, feet spaced a little more than the width of the pelvis. Let's contract the abdominal strap and let's go down by flexing the thighs and pulling the buttocks backwards .

Depending on your flexibility and your strength, go down more or less low. Your heels may possibly come off the ground in the low position depending on your morphology:that's not a problem! Let's go up while exhaling.

If you suffer from knee problems, it is very important to pull your butt back well, to execute the movement slowly and not to go too low. With practice, the pain will lessen.

Squats are an extremely complete exercise:they strengthen almost the whole body (glutes, thighs, abdominals, lumbar) and effectively stimulate the cardiovascular system.

Two sets of ten reps with 30 seconds recovery.

Exercise duration:2 min.

Static push-ups:for Concrete Shoulders and Abs 10'00

Face down, resting on your hands , maintain the position keeping your arms straight. The alignment of the body (head-shoulders-back-hips-knees-ankles) must be perfect.

Maintaining this position requires a strong abdominal strap (body alignment) and upper body (shoulders, triceps).

Two sets, hold 10 slow breaths in each set.

Exercise duration:2 min.

Stretching:what a joy! 12'00

To end the session gently, and to take advantage of the dose of endorphin released in our nervous system, let's stand up and close our eyes.

Let's gently release the head forward, then let the chest drop slowly , swinging arms, making sure to keep your legs straight. This descent must be done while exhaling. When we reach the low position, count thirty breaths and then begin the ascent, starting by bending the legs before unrolling the bust and finally straightening the head.

Let's open our eyes... here we are, brand new!

Exercise duration:2 min.

A series of 30 slow breaths.

Total duration of the session:12 min

Did you enjoy this session? I suggest you find, twice a week, a new program without material and motivating to progress smoothly throughout the year. A question, a comment, a criticism? Let me know in your comments