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Wuhan:a fully robotized hospital service to limit the spread of the coronavirus

Limiting direct contact between hospital staff and patients with the Covid-19 coronavirus may be key. In the city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus appeared three months ago, a hospital of the future has emerged in a former sports center. This establishment has a fully robotized service!

A fully robotic service

The first time we mentioned the use of robots in relation to the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic, we mentioned the Promobot. This machine circulating in Times Square (New York, United States) aims to provide citizens with more information on the epidemic. Some passers-by also answered a questionnaire on the coronavirus. However, the Promobot is also able to consider the answers given intelligently in order to advise people or not to consult a doctor.

A short while ago, we also discussed how, in China, new technologies could support the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. Let's mention 5G, virtual reality, drones but also robots. The latter are used in particular to deliver meals or to provide service in certain restaurants. The objective is none other than to limit contact between humans.

According to an article published by the New Scientist this March 9, 2020, doctors in Wuhan seem to have taken up the idea. There is talk of a new field hospital set up in a former sports centre. However, the place has a fully robotic service avoiding contact between health personnel and patients as much as possible. Moreover, the robots in question are manufactured by the company CloudMinds.

Wuhan:a fully robotized hospital service to limit the spread of the coronavirus

Weight support

In the establishment, robots of different types perform several functions. It's about delivering food and drink to patients, but the most important mission is definitely to disinfect the premises . In addition, these are also able to take the temperature of the sick.

The news of the development of this robotic hospital ward in Wuhan comes with another innovation , this time on the side of the capital, Beijing. Pr. Zheng's team from Tsinghua University has developed a robot capable of performing a complete diagnosis without human intervention (see video at the end of the article). It is true that hospital staff are on the front line, and it seems wise to preserve them. In addition, these people are indispensable in the fight against the coronavirus and their quarantine is obviously bad news.

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