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Coronavirus:more than 40,000 cases, an epidemic in decline?

With more than 40,000 confirmed cases and more than 900 deaths, the 2019-nCoV coronavirus epidemic now far exceeds the toll of SARS. This weekend, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that the epidemic was stabilizing. Have we reached the long-awaited peak?

The latest report

As the South China Morning Post explains on February 10, 2020, the coronavirus epidemic left 910 dead for 40,553 infected . Recall that the number of deaths caused by the virus exceeded that of the SARS epidemic of 2003 (774 dead). The Hong Kong daily also reports that of the current case count, approximately 6,500 patients are in serious condition . Let’s still mention another important figure:3,342 patients have been discharged since the start of the epidemic.

Elsewhere in the world, Japan holds first place among countries with the most infected people. Indeed, the country could have more than 80 cases because of the Yokohama liner affair. Let us also mention Singapore and its 43 cases, several of which were the subject of local contamination. Then follow Thailand (32 cases), South Korea (27), Taiwan (18), Malaysia (17) and Australia (14). In Europe, Germany and France have 14 and 11 cases respectively.

Coronavirus:more than 40,000 cases, an epidemic in decline?

The epidemic in decline?

According to the CNBC, the number of new cases of coronavirus 2019-nCoV has been declining for several days in China. This is obviously good news in itself, giving hope to have reached the peak of the epidemic. Nevertheless, the director general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, explained that we should not get carried away too quickly. According to the person concerned, the figures could eventually go up again . "There have been worrying cases of #2019nCoV being spread by people with no travel history" in China, so the outbreak may have only revealed "the tip of the iceberg," he said. warned Sunday on the Twitter network.

We recently mentioned different teams of researchers who tried to determine the date of this famous peak. Some think it happened this weekend of February 8, while others put it in April or even May.

The official said the WHO has sent masks, gloves, gowns and diagnostic tests to all corners of the world. The goal? Discourage people from stocking up and guarantee availability for the most affected regions. It is also a question of putting an end to an undesirable phenomenon:the reduction in the availability of this type of material goes hand in hand with an increase in prices. However, this problem could affect the management of other epidemics in progress like that of the Ebola virus.


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