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Retirement:preparing psychologically

Retirement:preparing psychologically

The papers are ready, the date set with HR, the drink with colleagues planned:you are just a few steps away from retirement. However, did you psychologically anticipate this particular moment in your life? Discover all our advice to prepare well for retirement and make this stage the start of a new life.

The blues of the young retiree, it exists

When one is in active life, retirement seems to be the well-deserved reward for a life of work. Only then, once retired, many seniors experience this moment as a vacuum. Habits are shattered, everything is to be imagined, to be rebuilt, the benchmarks have disappeared. The schedule, hitherto punctuated by work and holidays, is no longer so busy. Faced with such upheavals, it often happens that the euphoria of the first few months gives way to a state of depression, or even depression if we do not take ourselves in hand. Certain symptoms should alert you:state of deep and general physical or intellectual fatigue, desire to do nothing, aggressiveness, irritability, memory complaints or even physical pain.

Did you know?

In France and in other European countries, there are “universities of the third age”. Classes have a different rhythm and take place in a spirit of exchange. A great way to learn while making new connections.

How to psychologically prepare for retirement?

Retirement cannot be improvised. To approach this passage with serenity, it is necessary:

Ask yourself the right questions

To approach retirement as a new beginning, a new opportunity offered by life, take stock of yourself. What are you interested in ? Do you want to live elsewhere? What haven't you had time to do that is close to your heart? This will allow you to set a course, establish clear objectives and list activities that might interest you.

To avoid isolation, get in touch

Just because you're retired doesn't mean you have to cut yourself off from the world. Quite the contrary! You have time to devote to others. Keeping in touch with your former colleagues is important. Also make new friends by volunteering in an association or by registering on friendly dating sites for seniors such as "Disons Demain" or "". Whatever your project, it is essential to reach out to others rather than staying at home alone. A study has shown that volunteering increases well-being and longevity. [1] Good luck!

Schedule your days

A single watchword:PLA-NI-PROUD! Prepare something to occupy your days:plan a trip, give your time to an association, go to movies with your old girlfriend, offer your services to individuals (the "Seniors at your Service" site connects seniors and individuals for home services:DIY, house sitting, help for the elderly, nannies, etc.). You can also prepare a schedule with activities centered on you:jogging every morning, a weekly appointment in institute, writing a novel, etc. Having projects and a busy schedule will make you a happy and optimistic senior.

Adopt the slow attitude

Retirement is also a time to simply take the time to live. So, lucky you are, take the opportunity to adopt the slow life, a new way of life that promotes the benefits of slowness. No more racing against time, we savor every moment that life gives us:take a bath, read a good book, walk with friends, tell anecdotes of life to our grandchildren.

To be accompanied

If you feel that the transition to retirement is a difficult step to take, get support from professionals. First contact your doctor, he will provide you with the medical answers adapted to your situation. What to find the solutions to start again without a doubt on the right foot!

So, the blues of the young retiree, do you think you will succumb to it? Certainly not ! With all of our advice to prepare yourself psychologically for retirement, you have all the keys in hand to make this moment a true rebirth.

[1] University of Exeter Medical School