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Life expectancy:towards the hundred

Life expectancy:towards the hundred

Life expectancy continues to rise. Half of the newborn girls are expected to live to be 100 years or older.

A hundred no longer rare
The same applies to one in three newborn boys, calculated the NIDI (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute). One hundred is still a rare age. Less than one percent of the people born a hundred years ago are still alive. A woman now 65 years old will live on average until she is 89. A woman now in her early 20s will likely have a life expectancy of 96 years.

Numbers clashing
Last year CBS came up with very different figures for average life expectancy. That is, almost 83 years for women and 79 years for men. According to the NIDI, this can be explained by the fact that Statistics Netherlands makes predictions up to the year 2060. As a result, the life expectancy of everyone born before 1960 is only looked at. NIDI looks at all generations.