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5 rules for a healthier life

5 rules for a healthier life

Healthy living should remain fun and that is why we prefer to live without rules. We are happy to make an exception for these five guidelines.

1. Don't skip meals
To keep your combustion going, it is important that you eat regularly. Breakfast is the meal that is skipped the most and that while breakfast is important to get your metabolism going.

2. Take a closer look at your habits
Eating a bag of chips every night will not help you achieve your goals. The fact is, you have to change your habits to change your body. It's okay to sin every now and then, but the foundation has to be right.

3. You cannot eat healthy products indefinitely
An avocado at lunch is healthy and almonds are a healthy snack. However, healthy does not mean free of calories, so it is wise to always keep an eye on the portions you eat.

4. You have to burn more calories than you eat Losing weight is not a science, it's a simple sum:you have to burn more calories than you take in. Therefore, do not use an hour of sports as a license for an extra cookie. You'll eat the calories again in no time.

5. If you have reached your goal, you must persevere
Healthier living is a lifestyle change, not a temporary project.