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Relaxing according to Marije

Relaxing according to Marije

My definition of relaxation:being in a state of calm and pleasure. In a relaxed state we feel good, calm, sometimes euphoric. It's the good moments in life.

I think it takes a few essentials to create relaxation:
1. Eating
2. Drinking
3. Exercise
4. People
5. Rest

These elements are the basis, but must also be in balance with each other. If one of these facets disappears, such as exercise, you will enjoy nutrition differently than when you do train. Are you lonely? Then you will experience food and drink in a different way and you may move less, because being alone is just so alone. And even if you have everything perfectly arranged; a (social) active life, fun in sports, a healthy diet and a good looking body, but the peace is hard to find? Then it is only a matter of time when you are at home with a burnout.

Eating and drinking can create joy, but it is not essential to be happy.

Our close environment, friends and family give us the truest form of happiness. The rest is fleeting.

Remember that life is too short to be tired and cranky. We influence our health and our own well-being.

And finally: remember that our health can determine the intensity of happiness. Work on your Body &Mind and enjoy even more!

Elements in balance
The basis of enjoying life is enjoying food, drink, exercise, people and rest. Enjoying life to the fullest FOREVER is only possible if you make the right choices for each element and balance them with each other. I think this is a daily affair that you can learn and become good at.

Just like the participants of Fitness Bible for Women-Live, complete the Love to do &Who list. By naming what you really love, enjoy and are happy with, I think you will look for and appreciate these moments even more. This scheme will help you with this.

Fitness Bible for Women