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Animal-free AIDS research:we a better life, they a better life

You only really appreciate being healthy when you are confronted with illness. The ultimate case you don't know what you've got till it's gone † We all suffer from the flu from time to time. But unfortunately more and more people are confronted with something worse. Diseases are also born:new viruses and infections are constantly being added. And they are still developing. On the other hand, we humans are constantly fighting all those diseases. And there are even some that we have managed to make bearable. For example, research has ensured that diseases such as AIDS no longer have to mean a death sentence. But at what price? Animal-free AIDS research is within reach. Yet it simply does not exist yet. How about that?

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AIDS:a medical history lesson

HIV and AIDS were a huge problem in the 1980s. The disease spread rapidly and caused many fatalities. Because we have come to understand the disease better over the years, it has now partly been overcome. At least, in the western world. Thanks to years of research, the development of medicines, and investments in education and awareness Fortunately, AIDS no longer has to be fatal here. And that research continues – still with success.

Animal-free AIDS research:why not?

Although AIDS research absolutely must continue, I have one question. Is that really not possible in 2017 without the use of monkeys? For believe it or not; animal-free AIDS research does not yet exist † That should be possible, they think at the Proefdiervrij organization. They are committed to animal-free research in all laboratories, whether nail polish or medicines are tested there. Because, they say:the use of laboratory animals is not necessary at all. However, the method without laboratory animals has not yet been developed. Proefdiervrij therefore believes that more money should be spent on researching the possibilities of liberating laboratory animals from their cages for good.

It remains a debate:is it permissible to abuse animals so that people get better medicines? What do you think about that? I continue to find it a dilemma, although I am of the firm opinion that we should always strive for methods that are pleasant for humans and animals. So if that's an option, why not check it out?

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What can you do?

Worldwide, 19 million people are still infected with AIDS. And patients are added every day. Research to further eradicate the disease therefore remains necessary. Do you also think that efforts should be made to find a way to do this without laboratory animals? Then take a look at the Proefdiervrij website.

With a view to the International Aids Conference, which will be held in Amsterdam in 2018, Proefdiervrij has started a petition. During this conference, developments, vaccines, the spread of HIV and AIDS and the results achieved will be discussed. Do you also think this is an ideal moment to put animal-free AIDS research on the agenda? Then let your voice be heard and sign the petition. You can also become a donor on the Proefdiervrij site or make a one-time donation. Join us and give a lab animal just as wonderful a life as your own four-legged friend!

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