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Learning to live again after breast cancer

Learning to live again after breast cancer

Breast cancer is the leading female cancer today:more than 50,000 women have to live with this disease every year. But did you know that it is also one of the best treated cancers today? After healing, it is a whole relearning and reappropriation of the body that must take place for women. In France, many associations and structures support patients for a peaceful management of post-cancer. Follow our advice to relearn how to live after breast cancer.

Breast cancer:the first female cancer

Breast cancer represents more than 50,0000 new cases per year and affects one in eight women. However, the figures are very encouraging:more than 87% of women recover their health after this disease. Did you also know that 1% of men are affected by breast cancer?

The ordeal of healing is followed by the delicate stage of reconstruction to recover general well-being. Well accompanied, the woman in remission will gradually take the steps towards her new life, in complete serenity.

How to rebuild after breast cancer?

Reconnect with your femininity

Breast cancer is often synonymous with changes to a woman's body:hair loss, thinning of the silhouette... It can sometimes be difficult for a woman to fully reclaim her body to live her femininity again.

How to feel like a woman after hair loss?

Hair loss is one of the most feared adverse effects of chemotherapy by women.

To overcome this phenomenon, several solutions are available to you:

  • Wear a scarf:vary the colours, styles and materials and match it with your outfit;
  • Wearing a hair prosthesis:available in an infinite variety of colors, lengths, textures and hair types. Think about social security coverage!

Some women also decide to fully assume this hair loss. This can be the subject of enriching discussions and questions from those around you.

Find your figure

Treatments associated with breast cancer such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy cause nausea and vomiting leading inevitably to weight loss. When the course of treatment ends, patients recover their appetite and very rapid weight gain can occur. For rebalancing and new eating habits, establishing a program with a dietician can be useful.

Rethinking your new femininity with breast reconstruction

The breast is one of the symbolic organs of femininity. After partial or total removal, a woman may experience a profound loss of confidence in her new appearance.

A breast reconstruction can then be considered to regain a new femininity:

  • a prosthetic implant;
  • reconstruction by flap or tissue from the woman's body.

Did you know ? The State fully pays for breast reconstruction operations.

Returning to a social life to be a fulfilled woman

Breast cancer is sometimes responsible for psychological disorders and distress that are often overlooked. How to overcome it?

Overcoming the survivor syndrome and the fear of relapse

The patient in remission can develop the syndrome of the survivor associated with a fear of relapse. These post-traumatic stress syndromes affect 20% of cancer survivors. Guilt and fear are the predominant feelings.

To eradicate them, accept your emotions and welcome them as a new page in your care journey. Find a hobby that occupies your mind and helps you think about other things. And above all, take care of yourself by exercising regularly, which reduces the risk of recurrence by 24%.

Returning to work under certain conditions

The return to work is on the horizon, the desire to find colleagues and a rich and developed social life is growing. However, after a long period of absence, recovery can sometimes be destabilizing.

To help with a smooth recovery, you can ask:

  • an arrangement of your working time;
  • a replacement or duplication of position;
  • a free choice to use teleworking.

Do not hesitate to ask for help if the need arises and take advantage of your closest colleagues to talk to them about your feelings in complete confidence.

What support for women after breast cancer?

Sometimes, care may be necessary to rebuild after an episode of cancer. Did you know that many supports exist to help you regain your self-confidence?

The essential role of loved ones

The disease leads to a reconsideration of the relationship between the patient and her relatives. The fear of losing the loved one gives way to the desire to recreate a relationship on the existing bases, perhaps left in suspense by cancer. A point of honor must be made on the dialogue and the support provided to the person still weakened by showing understanding and without maintaining the taboo.

Attending support group meetings or events together can help open the dialogue.

Associations driven by Pink October

Hundreds of associations exist around breast cancer and help thousands of women every year to raise their heads:

Pink October, led by the association Ruban Rose, is an annual breast cancer screening awareness campaign. The mobilization is national and many events are associated with it, such as races to appeal for donations for research.

The Etincelle Association:founded in 2004, this association offers workshops and treatments that put the well-being of the patient at the heart of its action.

The Skin Association:Skin is an artistic project to help affected women regain confidence in their beauty and allow them to express themselves through art:photography, dancing, painting, singing, etc. The rendering is staged during exhibitions or shows.

Learning to live again after breast cancer can offer its share of beautiful surprises. The budding friendships and your new activities are now an integral part of a reinvented daily life. A brand new life is beginning and waiting for you!

Source: breast

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