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Columns about breast cancer

Columns about breast cancer

Did you know that one in eight women in the Netherlands has to deal with breast cancer? Well-known Dutch people (Kluun, Youp van 't Hek) and editors-in-chief of major magazines (HP De Tijd, J/M, ELLE) have written a column especially for the site They just want to say:give money for the fight against breast cancer!

On the KWF Kankerbestrijding campaign site Kluun writes:'Whether we agree or not:in our society breasts are the symbol of femininity, of female sexuality.'

Evert de Vos, editor-in-chief of J/M, is also candid. He lost his grandmother, mother and aunt to breast cancer. “Every time I look suspiciously at my 11-year-old daughter's chest area. When she comes out of the bathroom, wears a tight t-shirt, or splashes into the pool in a bikini. I'm looking for burgeoning breast growth and so far I can breathe a sigh of relief:luckily, nothing to see yet!' De Vos' column will be posted on the campaign site in the course of October †

Do something yourself? On the site you can also buy the now famous pink bracelet, designed this year by Daniëlle Oerlemans.