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A quarter of breast cancer patients pregnant after chemotherapy

A quarter of young women who have undergone chemotherapy for early-stage breast cancer have given birth within five years. The vast majority of pregnancies even arose naturally, without the use of eggs frozen before chemotherapy. This is apparent from research by scientists at Maastricht UMC+.

In women under 40 with early-stage breast cancer, chemotherapy treatment is often advised. However, this treatment can also cause problems with fertility and the fulfillment of a future wish to have children. Chemotherapy can be harmful to ovarian function. This function can also return after a number of years, but that is not always the case. For this reason, Maastricht UMC+ has been offering patients a so-called fertility preservation program since 2008. The aim of this program is to fulfill any desire to have children of women who are being treated with chemotherapy for breast cancer.

In the program, future wishes, risks and options, such as the freezing of eggs, can be discussed. That is now bearing fruit. About a quarter of the patients gave birth to a healthy baby within five years. In almost all cases it was a natural pregnancy, in a small number via the use of previously frozen eggs. The scientists followed 118 women (with an average age of 31) who were being treated with chemotherapy for breast cancer over a 7-year period. 26 women gave birth to a total of 32 children in the study period. Of these, 30 pregnancies arose naturally.

Reassuring "It is a reassuring thought that we can offer support in fulfilling a wish to have children, despite chemotherapy and the possible negative consequences for ovarian function", says Ingeborg Vriens, medical oncologist at Maastricht UMC+. “It's about young women who are in the middle of life and who have already gone through a difficult period. Initially, of course, everything is aimed at treating and surviving breast cancer, but we also want to offer a future with an optimal quality of life. Fulfilling a wish to have children is part of that.”