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Parsley against breast cancer

Parsley against breast cancer

And new drug in the fight against breast cancer:parsley. That's right, that small, green plant that you sometimes find on top of your soup.

Researchers from the American University of Missouri-Colombia exposed breast cancer rats to apigenin , a substance found in parsley and other plant products. What turned out? The rats developed a lot less tumors † In addition, the researchers saw a strong delay in tumor formation compared to the rats that did not ingest the ingredient.

Apigenin has such a good effect on tumors because it blocks the formation of new blood vessels † And that is very important. Namely, when new blood vessels are formed within the tumors, the tumor is better supplied with nutrients to grow and multiply † This is stopped with sufficient apigenin and in addition Apigenin also reduces the number of tumors. However, in this study the breast cancer was not cured

Read also:breast cancer care improved>

Right dose
Unfortunately it is not yet completely clear how much apigenin people have to take to get the same effect as in the laboratory animals. The next phase of the investigation is to study the effect on humans. Then the right dose for people is immediately determined. Also the health and safety risks for humans have yet to be completely excluded.

The researchers do emphasize that it is very good to have at least a small amount of apigenin in the blood to slow down the cancer † You can also find apigenin in celery, apples, oranges, nuts and other plant products. Some dietary supplements also contain apigenin.