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Breast cancer rate in the Netherlands high

Breast cancer rate in the Netherlands high

Shocking:breast cancer is more than four times more common in the Netherlands than in East Africa.

According to the most recent statistics, in 2008 96.8 per 100,000 women in the Netherlands were diagnosed with breast cancer. compared to only 19.3 per 100,000 women in East African countries such as Kenya and Tanzania.

These striking figures make the World Cancer Research Fund known today. dr. Rachel Thompson, of the World Cancer Research Fund:'The much lower breast cancer rate in East Africa in relation to the Netherlands is a real concern. All the more so because this observation does not only apply to East Africa. For example, the figure in the Netherlands (96.8) is double that of South America (44.3) and more than three times higher than in East Asia (25.3). The highest breast cancer rate in the world belongs to Belgium with 109.4.'

What makes the difference so big? The Netherlands is, among other things, better at diagnosing and registering cases of breast cancer. But also nutrition and lifestyle play an important role whether or not to develop breast cancer.

Healthier lifestyle
Scientists say that in high-income countries, about four out of ten breast cancers can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight, lower alcohol consumption and increased exercise † Which also helps:breastfeeding † After many studies, it appears that this significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Why are the figures in East Africa a lot lower than in the Netherlands? The women there drink less alcohol than women in the Netherlands. In addition, East Africa has fewer cases of obesity and more and longer breast-feeding is taking place.

It is therefore possible to make choices that lower the risk of breast cancer † Think of drinking less alcohol, getting enough exercise and a healthy weight. Every little bit helps.

The World Cancer Research Fund does emphasize that a healthy lifestyle is no guarantee † Approximately 4 to 9 percent of all women with breast cancer have acquired this disease through genetic predisposition.

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