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Test metastasis breast cancer

The Mammaprint, the test that predicts with great accuracy the probability of metastases, is now available to the general public.

The test was previously only used in a research context prescribed. Because many doctors are now convinced of the effectiveness of the test, health insurer Achmea Zilveren Kruis has decided to reimburse Mammaprint † A very good thing, according to the NKI-AVL.

Mom print
The Mammaprint is a test based on the so-called DNA micro-array technology , a finding that was first applied in the Netherlands by researchers from the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital in Amsterdam. With this technique, the risk of metastases determined at an early stage.

The Mammaprint is many times more accurate than conventional methods. If the test shows that the risk of metastasis is small, patients do not have to follow the often burdensome chemotherapy treatment.

Cost savings Every year, approximately 13,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. This makes it the most common type of cancer in women.

Now that the Mammaprint is available to more women, not only does the quality of life of many breast cancer patients improve, it also provides a major cost saving because it is less necessary to proceed to heavier and more expensive treatment.