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10 tips for self-care during unprecedented times

Now that we are all at home and the frustrations are mounting, self-care rituals are a must. It is important to make sure that you take good care of your body, mind and soul every day in order to cope with the pandemic. Here are 10 tips for self-care in unprecedented times.

Reach Out

Since we all take social precautions, it is important to avoid feeling completely isolated from the world. Connect with a loved one, friend or colleague every day through technology. It's good to have someone else to share life with.

Create boundaries

Take the time to notice your patterns and create boundaries that work for you — like checking the news, your social media, or email at regular intervals throughout the day. Try to engage in something that takes you out of the negative news cycle:a fun comedy, a book on an unrelated topic, music, art, etc.

Getting physical

Roll out your tense muscles on a foam roller. Join a YouTube workout video. You feel better mentally and emotionally when your body has a chance to get out of its cramped sitting position. Create a daily routine that includes exercise and, if possible, exposure to natural light.

Check yourself

Prioritize your mental health. If you have a therapist, now is a good time to get in touch (some may switch to online therapy sessions if they can, so keep this in mind as an option).


Mindfulness meditations help relieve an anxious brain. Consider listening to meditations on sleep, spirituality, anger, focus, smartphone addiction, self-compassion, and any other topic that comes to mind.

Allow yourself to feel

We tend to believe that we need to show perseverance and resilience by getting through the toughest situations without showing emotional wear and tear. However, it is realistic to feel a full range of emotions. One moment you might feel good and the next moment overwhelmed. Use a journal to express how you feel and to note what you are grateful for on a daily basis. Having compassion for yourself will help you practice compassion for others.

Be patient

No one has all the answers, not even you. It's okay to be passionate about matters related to the safety and well-being of yourself, your loved ones, and those for whom you are responsible. Anger only makes it harder for everyone. Give people space and time and try to be understanding if someone makes a mistake. It is inevitable.

Try kindness

You will no doubt run into your share of frustrations, but we all have the ability to be kind. Try to intentionally be nice to at least one person every day. That might be the highlight of their day and you might feel good too.

Practice self-care at home 

At this point, any self-care practice consistent with social distancing is fine. Go tinkering. Take a bubble bath or hot shower. Make a cup of tea and drink it slowly. Make it a point to be present with your senses as you eat a meal, and take the time to really enjoy the taste, texture and appearance.

Slow down and breathe

Sometimes, without realizing it, a situation we think about has entered our minds, entered our bodies, and we are left with hunched shoulders and furrowed brows. Take a moment to practice mindfulness. Pay attention to what is happening in your physical body and allow yourself to take a deep breath and relax.