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7 tips for recharging your batteries

7 tips for recharging your batteries

For you, holidays are synonymous with rest? Do you want to take advantage of your holidays to recharge your batteries? With our advice, take advantage of the summer break to recharge your batteries!

1. Enjoy the benefits of the sun

The sun has many health benefits. First, it helps synthesize vitamin D. This vitamin has an influence on the quality of our sleep and our moods. It also stimulates the production of endorphins, the "well-being hormones", and reduces blood pressure. Holidays are therefore an opportunity to give yourself hours of idleness or walks in the sun:good humor and balanced sleep guaranteed! Be careful, however, to always protect your skin from U.V. before exposure to the sun with a sunscreen with an index of at least 30. Also, avoid exposure between 12 and 4 p.m.

2. Take time to take a nap

Do you feel tired or have trouble sleeping? Outside of work, this is an opportunity to rest and give yourself longer nights! On vacation, the pace can be relaxed, and late mornings are welcome. Another possibility:take a nap. After lunch, usually around 2 p.m., a certain drowsiness is often felt. Don't resist:a 15-minute midday nap is good for the body. It limits fatigue and prevents insomnia, not to mention that it boosts cognitive abilities. However, be careful not to sleep too long, at the risk of entering a complete sleep cycle and therefore encroaching on that of the night. To help you stay on track, you can use dedicated apps, such as Micro-nap Tracker.

3. Activities in nature

Practicing outdoor activities allows better oxygenation of the body. Reconnecting with nature is also very good for the body and the mind. A walk in the forest or by the sea soothes our thoughts, to better relax and clear our heads. You can also engage in physical activity (walking, sports, yoga, etc.) and get outdoors. Alone or with others, a walk in nature is the ideal time to take a complete sensory break:listen to the song of the birds, look at the landscapes or smell the scent of the flowers.

4. Treat yourself to a digital detox

Since you are on vacation, this is the perfect time to temporarily cut yourself off from screens and social networks. How ? By doing a digital detox! If you can, for an hour, a day, or even a week, cut off communications with the outside world (notifications and calls) and enjoy full time slots without any digital distractions:television, computer, etc. The digital detox offers a real break from work and social media addiction. Take the opportunity to rediscover the paper format, whether for reading, but also for writing postcards! You can help you with Space, an app that guides you in your digital detox with a personalized program.

5. Eat healthy and balanced

Summer is the perfect season to stock up on tasty fruits and vegetables. July and August fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Red fruits, apricots, kiwis, peaches and plums, but also avocados, beans, aubergines or peppers come to color your plates. To make the most of the benefits and nutrients of fruits and vegetables, it is best to eat them raw, in juice, in cold soups or in salads.

6. Exercise

Regular physical activity is essential for the balance of the body. In addition to stimulating the vital organs, maintaining a good overall state of shape, sport helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sport also has an effect on mental balance, reducing anxiety and depressive symptoms. Another positive point:working out during the day also helps you sleep better at night. On vacation, you will be spoiled for choice when it comes to outdoor sports activities. Water sports, cycling, climbing or hiking are all possibilities to oxygenate your body, get it back in shape and clear your mind. You don't want to go out? There are mobile apps that allow you to practice sports from home, such as Adidas Training for bodybuilding or Plank Timer for sheathing and abs-glutes.

7. Take the time to do nothing

Last advice to get back in shape during the holidays... Idleness! Taking breaks and idleness to stroll, read a magazine or simply sit and observe a landscape is good for morale! In reality, when we feel like we are not doing anything, our mind wanders and our emotions come to the fore. This is particularly the principle of mindfulness meditation, which consists of being in non-action, relaxing and concentrating on your feelings. This type of quiet activity promotes relaxation and reduces stress. Do you want to get started with this practice? The Petit Bambou app allows you to familiarize yourself step by step with the practice of meditation.

Still looking for where to go?

Our special selection for our members probably contains the place where you will be packing your bags this summer. Mountain trend in Serre-Ponçon, ocean in Biscarosse, or circuit abroad in Ireland, your holidays promise to be relaxing  !

Who says holidays does not necessarily mean frenetic pace and activities that follow one another. Your weeks off can also be used to slow down, do a digital detox or even introduce you to meditation!