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The most common myths about COVID-19

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, rumors and misinformation about the virus seem to be spreading just as fast, if not faster, than the virus itself. In the midst of a pandemic, misinformation can be dangerous and lead to panic, making it difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction. Experts from the University of Texas at Houston (UTHealth) Health Science Center weigh in on the most common myths about COVID-19:

MYTH:Vitamin C can help fight the virus

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that can boost the immune system and is found in many fruits and vegetables. However, research shows that taking vitamin C doesn't even help the common cold for most people.

“Studies show that vitamin C has no significant benefit in preventing or treating the common cold in most patients, and COVID-19 is not a common cold,” said Joyce Samuel, MD, an associate professor of pediatrics at McGovern Medical School.

Susan Wootton, MD, an associate professor of pediatrics at McGovern Medical School and an infectious disease pediatrician among UT physicians, adds that there is no current data to support that additional vitamin C will fight COVID-19. “Our body can actually only absorb a certain amount of vitamin C at a time and excess amounts are excreted. So those who stock up on the vitamin don't benefit from the extra intake," Wootton said.

MYTH:The virus will die out as soon as the temperature rises

It is not known whether COVID-19, the illness caused by the new coronavirus, will follow the flu season and disappear during the warmer months. Although it can cause similar respiratory problems, COVID-19 is different from the virus strains that cause the flu.

“Because this is a new virus, we don't know for sure,” said Catherine Troisi, PhD, epidemiologist and associate professor at the UTHealth School of Public Health. "We hope warmer weather will help, but there's no guarantee. What ultimately helps is that children no longer go to school in the summer and that they are less likely to pass on viruses.”

MYTH:Drinking water every 15 minutes reduces the risk of contracting the virus

Another rumor suggests that drinking water every 15 minutes will help flush the virus through the body. While drinking water can help with dehydration, there is no evidence that it protects against contracting COVID-19. Wootton said there is no data to support this claim.” However, it is very important to stay both hydrated and well-rested when you are recovering from an infection,” she added. Gargling with warm water won't help either, warned Luis Ostrosky, MD, a professor of internal medicine at McGovern Medical School and an infectious disease specialist among UT physicians.

MYTH:Masks protect against COVID-19

Face masks are only recommended for healthcare professionals who may be treating patients infected with COVID-19 or patients who are ill. “Those who are not sick or are on the front lines of medicine may not benefit from wearing a mask,” says Michael Chang, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics at McGovern Medical School, and an infectious disease specialist. “Wearing a mask when you're not sick essentially gives you a false sense of confidence that you don't have to wash your hands or touch your face as often. And because masks can be uncomfortable, you can touch your face even more. In addition, contamination can occur when masks are removed and put back on, he said. Keep it simple and leave the face masks for the health professionals or sick people who really need them.

MYTH:COVID-19 can mutate into a deadlier strain

All viruses mutate over time and COVID-19 is no different. However, that does not mean that the virus is becoming more deadly. According to Chang, virus mutations are not bad; in fact, they generally make a virus less deadly. “Viruses mutate quite often, but not all mutations have to be bad. Many mutations in viruses are silent, and some may even lead to a strain less suited to less virulence. In fact, many of our live virus vaccines are essentially mutated wild-type strains," he said. “Given all of the above, it is highly unlikely that COVID-19 will develop a mutation that makes it more deadly.”

MYTH:Washing your hands with hot water removes germs better than with cold water

Regular hand washing is one of the best ways to limit the spread of COVID-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water. As simple as it sounds, soap and water are the best way to prevent the further spread of germs, and the temperature of the water during the wash doesn't matter. Chang even said, “When washing hands with soap and water, it's actually the mechanical scrubbing action that cleans your hands. You can use warm or cold water. You have to make sure you wash/scrub long enough (at least 20 seconds) and dry your hands completely.”