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10 tips for a relaxed morning rush, take advantage of them!

The word morning rush gives me the necessary jitters. And I don't mean fluttering jitters that feel as good as a crush! No, they are heavy mood-defining jitters in the sense of:“brrr… here we go again!” It is of course a subject that is discussed more often, Cherisz wrote once before that arriving at school on time is also quite a challenge for her. . And of course we are not the only ones, especially at this time of year! So let's dive into it.

What is going wrong with our morning rush hour?

Every day I take it for myself to get up fifteen minutes earlier, just fifteen minutes. Unfortunately I have failed miserably so far! How hard can it be I hear you think… well just really hard to get out of that lovely warm stinky nest in the fall 😉 . And when we finally get there, it's time to rush. Of course, the children are obstinately stressed by my stress and various fires arise very quickly that also have to be extinguished in the meantime.

Good morning…!!! They sometimes say 'good preparation is half the battle'. So there is no other option than to prepare well for a relaxed morning rush. Work to be done!

Relaxed morning rush hour tips

We have collected 10 tips to make the morning rush hour a bit more relaxed. At least that is the intention! Purely to make the mornings a little lighter. If our sweet little sleepyheads also cooperate, it will probably be a resounding success! Some of them may be obvious, but I don't want to feed them… the mothers and fathers who don't do anything with this preparation!

10 tips, some for preparation and some for the morning itself

  1. Turn a morning shower ritual into an evening shower ritual, which saves time and wet hair.
  2. Put the clothes ready every night and show them to your children to avoid clothing discussions (if you have one).
  3. Set the table (without food from the fridge of course) if you have breakfast together at the table. Makes a huge difference!
  4. In the evening, have the gym equipment, toys (toy morning), bags, shoes and jackets ready.
  5. Do not turn on the television until all morning rituals have been completed. Television delayed everything I noticed!
  6. Make a time clock, show it on the clock if they can tell the time, or use an hourglass to tell them when they need to get dressed, brushed their teeth and eat. They will also like it and are often even finished before the time runs out.
  7. Spread the bacon the night before, fill the cups, prepare the lunch boxes and put it in the fridge. You can even spread and freeze sandwiches for the whole week. While you're at it! In addition, the bread stays tastier in the freezer, because it can get old faster in the fridge.
  8. Give your child his own alarm clock, so that you don't have to keep calling. You immediately give them some responsibility for the division of their own time.
  9. Do not give your child too many assignments in succession, I have noticed that has the opposite effect. "Eat your bread, put on your shoes, take your coat, put it on, get your bag" and so on! With a little breather in between you are also more relaxed and it doesn't linger!
  10. Finally. Remember:there is no such thing as perfection! The fact that you sometimes forget to comb your children's hair, put the toothbrush through their mouth or forget to pee before they go to school is really no disaster! Tomorrow there will be another resit!

Do you have any tips to add to our quick-and-dirty list to make your morning rush a bit easier?

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