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Six tips for surviving stress during the holidays

While the holidays are considered the most wonderful time of the year for most people, it can also be the most stressful time. We have therefore listed some tips here to survive the holidays without stress.

Dealing with loneliness The holidays can be the loneliest time of the year for some people as they can bring about feelings of sadness and loss. Reach out to people around you to talk to them about your feelings. Also do things that bring you pleasure. For example, listen to relaxing music, read books, and watch movies, especially movies that make you laugh. And if you know someone who's going through a rough time during the holidays, let them know they're not alone. A simple gesture, such as a phone call or dinner invitation, can make a big difference to someone coping with grief.

Dinner and politics don't mix
Things that are going on in the world seem to be on everyone's mind and can cause tension in people with opposing views. Avoid conversations with people of different religious or political views. Let them know you don't feel comfortable talking about religious or political topics, and you can also politely ask if there's another topic they'd like to discuss.

Abandon traditions
This may be your first year organizing something at home and wanting to please everyone, but it's okay to ditch family traditions to make way for new ones. Let your family know that you certainly respect the party habits, but that you've decided to do something new and just as fun.

Set realistic goals
You may have big plans for serving a 7-course meal with all the trimmings, but meeting and setting realistic goals can be just as satisfying. Things don't have to be perfect for a great time. Invite people over for dessert and coffee instead of dinner. Another option is to have a drink and let everyone bring something. This makes everyone feel involved and you can reduce your stress.

Set a budget and stick to it
This time, take a less-is-more approach to holiday traditions. Not everything has to be that extensive. Set a budget that is workable without overspending. You can escape the drama of gift-giving by giving to those who need it most. Let your family know that you have decided not to participate in gift giving. Instead, you have decided to contribute to a good cause.