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Tips for sleeping better during warm weather

It's summer and we've already had several warm days, and while the Dutch weather can be typically unpredictable, it invariably causes several heat waves over the course of the season. Most of us look forward to warm weather, but a few days in a heat wave and our sleep quality can start to suffer. Sultry temperatures and increased humidity make it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. However, there are several simple tips that can help us stay cool during hot weather.

Cotton sheets and nightwear

Loose-fitting cotton nightwear is naturally breathable and cooling – ideal for warm weather conditions. Avoid fabrics like nylon and polyester and choose cotton for nightwear and bedding. Cotton is lightweight, absorbs moisture so that we no longer wake up sweaty and sticky, and ensures a more comfortable sleep.

A summer duvet

Change your winter duvet for a lighter version and if it is very warm, only use a sheet. If you tend to feel warmer or colder than your partner, try a duvet that adapts to your individual needs so you stay comfortable all night long.


Apply Mediterranean practices by keeping curtains and blinds closed during the day, but keep windows open to let in cool air. Use light-colored curtains because metal blinds and dark curtains can make the room hotter. Open windows at night to circulate air and create a passage together by opening windows and doors in different rooms.

A fan is a handy solution to cool your environment in warmer weather and is cheaper than air conditioning. Turn on a fan 30 minutes before going to bed to cool down your bedroom before going to sleep. There are several ultra-quiet models available today, although some find the buzzing sound soothing for falling asleep!

Make your own cold air

A bowl of ice in front of your fan helps to generate cold air. Instead of moving existing warm air around the room, the ice cools the air circulated by the fan, working to cool your room. This is a good tip for children who have trouble sleeping, you can turn off the fan as soon as they sleep.


Drinking plenty of water in hot weather is vital and will keep you cooler during the day and night. Drink water consistently throughout the day and make sure children drink plenty of water. Sometimes hunger is a sign that you are thirsty, so drink plenty. Cucumbers, lettuce leaves, melons, strawberries and berries are high in water, which also helps boost your hydration. Have water by your bed if you get thirsty at night. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption as it dries out.

Before going to sleep

Feeling clammy and sticky is guaranteed to make you uncomfortable in bed. Take a cool shower before bed, keep the temperature down and leave the hair damp to keep you cool for longer.

Breathing techniques

Sitali pranayama breathing is a yoga breathing exercise and a way to make cool air yourself. It is best to sit down. On inhalation only, curl your tongue up like a straw and sip your breath through your tongue, the air will feel very cool. Then close your mouth and exhale slowly through your nose. This is a soothing and cooling exercise to use before bed to help you relax. Just five minutes can be very effective and is a meditative way to prepare for sleep.

Eat light

Make sure your evening meals are smaller in the summer and avoid overly spicy, heavy, fatty meals or proteins that are high in saturated fats. Our bodies use more energy to digest a large, rich or heavy supper, which means we produce more metabolic heat – not ideal before bed. Lean proteins such as chicken and fish are good substitutes for high-fat red meat. Keep your body temperature constant by eating a light evening meal in the summer.

Lighting and appliances

Connected appliances and light bulbs give off heat and contribute to the overall temperature of a room. Turning everything off is better for the environment and prevents stimulating blue light, which makes you feel more awake. Remove all laptops, screens and phones from your bedroom to avoid distractions if you wake up during the night.

Other tips

If you tend to wake up at night to the heat, chill a face mist or hydration spray in the fridge before bed and leave it on the bedside table for instant relief. Filling a hot water bottle with ice ensures guaranteed cold spots in your bed, you can also put your pajamas in an airtight bag and put them in the fridge or freezer before wearing them. A cool flannel cloth or tea towel on your face and neck can provide instant relief.