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My 5 Tips for a Stress-Free Pregnancy Experience!

My 5 Tips for a Stress-Free Pregnancy Experience!

Experiencing a stress-free pregnancy is possible!

Even though some of us are sometimes more anxious than others, here are 5 tips to take full advantage of it.

Are you expecting a baby?

Congratulation ! You will live a wonderful adventure and discover all new sensations .

My 5 Tips for a Stress-Free Pregnancy Experience!

Month by month, physical and emotional upheavals will transform your body and your character. Nine months sometimes punctuated by doubts and fears. Let's try to approach them with serenity :

1 – Should I Change My Diet?

First of all, do not lose sight that being pregnant is not a disease! Also, if certain foods are not recommended like:

Undercooked meat, raw fish or certain cold meats (they can cause food infections).

Remember that a varied and balanced diet is essential for baby's growth!

Well, that said, my indulgence being meat tartare, I fell for raw meat many times during my daughter's pregnancy… er… I may have also succumbed to a few slices of sausage, but always very thin slices… just to make me feel guilty!

And yet, I gave birth to a beautiful doll! Know how to grant yourself a few gustatory pleasures…!

2 – Can I continue the Sport?

If you didn't practice any before your pregnancy, maybe you could take the opportunity to do a bit of walking or swimming . They are perfect for toning your muscles!

For those who are already athletic, continuing your activity is excellent for your weight curve, but also for your morale (unless specifically contraindicated by your doctor of course).

A former classical dancer, I slowly resumed a few dance lessons during my pregnancies and I haven't regretted it:my buttocks remained firm and my abs are almost steel (well, maybe not steel, but hey… not far!).

It goes without saying that boxing matches, bungee jumping or even scuba diving are to be banned!

3 – Am I incurring risks when taking certain medications?

The answer is yes ! Do never take a medicine without medical advice . Some can cause serious malformations on the fetus. Especially since a drug authorized at the start of pregnancy may very well no longer be indicated during the following months.

Also, read the manual carefully including those of non-prescription drugs, as some are harmful to pregnant women.

Slightly manic, I took advantage of my pregnancies to do a complete sorting from my box of medicines, just to throw out the expired ones so as not to swallow them inadvertently!

4 – How do I take care of my body?

Your body changes over the months and this brings certain inconveniences:dry skin, oilier hair, swollen legs and sometimes acne. This is the time to take care of yourself and above all not to neglect yourself.

Feed your skin with cocoa butter which will help you prevent stretch marks:I massaged my pretty plump belly for a long time during my pregnancies. Moisturizing my skin allowed me to reduce these unsightly little streaks. Our skin stretches, stretches over the months, but its elasticity has its limits!

Look after your hair with gentle hair care and avoid the hair dryer which may weaken them.

Drink lots of water and eat diuretic foods (such as melon) to reduce water retention that swells your legs.

Clean your face with non-alcoholic lotions and do not hesitate to camouflage a small unsightly pimple under a hint of concealer!

5 – Is Making Love Dangerous for My Baby?

I think it was one of my worst anxieties in each of my three pregnancies!

And yet, making love during pregnancy poses no danger to your baby! On the contrary, live a fulfilling sexuality , feeling these privileged moments of complicity and tenderness will rejuvenate you. You need more than ever to feel wanted and the future dad, who sometimes can feel a little excluded from the ties that already unite you to your child, to feel loved!

So, of course, if at the end of pregnancy, with your big belly, some positions may be a little more … sporty, be imaginative !