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How many calories do you burn in your sleep?

How many calories do you burn in your sleep?

This is perhaps one of the most favorite ways to burn calories…

Burning calories-with-sleeping

While you sleep, your body is hard at work. You burn about 0.9 kilocalories per kilo of body weight per hour. If you sleep eight hours and weigh 60 kilos, you will burn about 432 calories in one night. That goes up to 720 calories at a body weight of 90 kilos.

Read also: Why getting enough sleep is important

You burn more calories during the day

You burn more calories during the day than in your sleep, but you should not underestimate the importance of getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep even helps with weight loss. By the way, did you know that with a weighted blanket sleep even better? And the better you sleep, the better it is for your health.

Source:Nutrition Center | Image:Shutterstock